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"The Salvatore Brothers "


"You?" Damon asks in disbelief. He looks at Malena and then at Rebekah and Lilliana. "No way."

"I'm not sure if it was an insult or compliment, but that doesn't matter at the moment," Malena started then walked to the side of the table where she could see Stefan and Damon clearly. "Who might you two be?"

Stefan and Damon looked at each other, then back at the woman in front of them. "Mother, this is Damon Salvatore," Rebekah gestures to the blue-eyed vampire. "And this is Stefan Salvatore," Rebekah looks at the younger brother with a smirk.

Malena hummed in acknowledgment, "The ones that kept trying to kill my son."

"Listen, lady, your son has tried to kill our friends over a stupid curse and because of those ridiculous coffins," Damon said, looking at Malena, who kept her eyes on both brother's.

"And who were the ones that kept making matters worse."

"We were trying to save our friends and still are."

"You mean you were trying to save a girl who doesn't love either of you, but you are too blinded to see that she's using the both of you," Malena said, with a stern voice. "Niether of you deserve that."

Stefan and Damon clench their jaws to keep their anger at bay. They knew that they couldn't cause a scene, especially if there were 3 originals involved. Neither of them stood a chance.

"You don't know anything," Stefan finally spoke up. "Your son started this."

Malena smiled at Stefan, "Your right. I don't know anything." Malena slowly raises her hand and gently cupped Stefans cheek, "But what I do know is that the real people who started this were Esther and Mikeal, and they're dead."

"That doesn't mean Klaus's actions are excused."

Malena takes her hand off Stefan's cheek and smiles, "You're right, it doesn't. I will be sure to talk to him about that."

Stefan and Malena held eye contact for a few seconds, neither of them backing down. "If it isn't Klaus's fault, then who's fault is it?"

"Esther and Mikeal. They took them from their real home. If they hadn't stolen my children from me and my husband, none of this wouldn't have happened," Malena's eyes flash red. "Don't place all the blame on my son."

Stefan tries to grab Malena, but she moves quicker than him and bent his arm around and pinned his head against the table. Damon was about to get up but was stopped when Lilliana stuck her heel on his foot, pinning it through the floor. Damon grunted in pain along with Stefan.

Everyone in the restaurant stopped to look at the scene. Rebekah looks at her mother in worry because she knew that the founder council was still looking for vampires. "Mother," Rebekah whispered to her.

Malena looks around as she holds her position on Stefan. "Continue what you were doing and remember nothing," Malena said outloud, and everyone did what they were told. Stefan and Damon look around in shock. "I don't want to hurt any of you."

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