The Dance

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I'm sitting on my bed debating whether or not I should dress up. It's not like I have anyone to impress. Besides the absolutely perfect girl I like. I'm not her type anyway so it really doesn't matter. Besides, even if I was, I'm definitely not good enough for her. She's the popular girl that everyone loves. I'm the quiet kid that nobody really knows. I decide to wear a nice-ish button up and baggy jeans. It's nicer than what I normally wear but not by much. Hopefully it won't be noticeable and people will leave me alone. It's 6:45 which means it's time to go. I try to leave early so I don't have to stand in line as long. I run down the stairs and tell my mom it's time to go since she's the one driving me. She says okay, let's go and we walk out the door.

I get out of the car and look at the line. I sigh to myself the line is already pretty long. I say goodbye to my mom and start walking towards the end of the line as fast as I can. That's when I see her. Standing at the end of the line impatiently shifting from one foot to the other. I smile while walking towards her. She's so cute when she's impatient. I think to myself. When I get closer to her I realize how good she looks. I can tell she didn't put a lot of effort into her outfit but it somehow looks like she did. She turns around and sees me making my way to the end of the line. I accidentally catch her eye, causing her to smile. I immediately look away smiling at the ground. I walk behind her waiting for the line to move. To my surprise Amber turns around.

"Hey." she says brightly with a smile

"Hi" I respond internally yelling at myself for not having anything else to say.

"So are you here with anyone like um a boyfriend or something?'' Amber asks me. I can tell she's trying, and failing, to keep the curiosity out of her voice. I look at her surprised. Why does she care? I silently wonder before responding.

"Um no my friend might come but no boyfriend. What about you?"

She shakes her head no. She looks kinda sad. I wonder why. It's not like she couldn't have anyone she wanted. She's so beautiful.

She looks back up at me and says

"None of my friends could make it and I'm single so it's just me." she laughs nervously.

"Oh well if you need someone to hang out with you can always come find me."

Shit I can't believe I just said that. She isn't gonna want to hang out with me. She's probably only talking to me because she's bored. I start internally panicking but I'm interrupted when she says

"Okay thanks I probably will. The kids around here are really hard to deal with but you seem okay." she smiles. She looks a little nervous. It feels weird to see Amber nervous. I smile back at her. Her face looks a little pink? That's weird. She's probably just cold. Suddenly I think of something to say.

"Um why'd you want to know if I was here with someone?" I ask her a little shyly. I'm scared to see what she's going to say.

"Oh I was just curious." she says definitely blushing.

"Oh okay. Same." I reply. We stop talking and it starts to feel awkward. Amber starts fidgeting. Wow, it's really cute how she fidgets like that when she's nervous. I think to myself while watching her fiddle with her hands. She turns around and laughs. The line has moved like 20 feet. I laugh too.

I notice Amber shivering. That's when I realize she's in a tank top.

"Are you cold?" I ask her, trying to hide the concern in my voice.

"Um, just a little it's fine."

"Here take this." I untie my hoodie from my waist so I can hand it to her.

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