what started the war in the family

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I am Skye Houghton and I am known as the rift jumper. About 60 years ago I was found and adopted into the family of an anthropophagus goddess. While in the family I met the stuck-up boy toy, Odin. now he is on a murdering spree of all of the family. But 60 years ago, he was a big momma boy, who did everything she said without any hands or butts. I believe I'm the reason he was killed, see with my ability to open rifts into other universes. I was rather important to my mother and she gave me and Odin the task to cross over into another universe and find a powerful female and bring them before her so we can have a powerful army and take over everything on earth. The part that makes it my fault is that on the other side I may have encouraged him to stop being so much of a momma boy. Which is the story I'm going to tell you about.

Let's start with Odin and all his looks. He is about 6.5 feet tall and is built to look like a guy that will kick your ass. He never wears a shirt and always has loose-fitting pants and walks around barefooted. His natural hair color is dark chestnut, with near black-brown eyes. At the time he had a short ducktail beard, only feature was the tattoos around his wrist which were Mayans of some kind. He also has many abilities, the main ones being super strength and invincibility. He also can eat souls so I mean that is scary, furthermore, if he eats your soul he takes your knowledge and any abilities someone has. A very scary guy to go up against and it was always the best idea to stay off his bad side.

The other person that was accompanying us on our task was Sia. She was simply a demon to command around. Only the blood of mother could control her which gave Odin the ability to tell her what to do. His appearance was nothing to be drop jaw about but the long line of green hair and long drowned horns that wrap around the forehead coming to a point like a crown and deep red eyes could give a fright in the right situations. For those interested in the body well she was rocking massive jugs and a nice curvy body that stands at 5.7. before you think you can slip into her pants. You have to keep in mind she can kill you with the air in your lungs. I almost forgot, she normally wears a white two-part dress with green designs on it and a golden bell around her neck. The bell could be heard every time Odin called for her. It's just weird to put it lightly.

The final person to follow us to the other side of my rift was Jacksonubima, quite the odd pick for such a serious task. She is normally called a jack, honestly, she is a wild card. She is too unpredictable to keep in the house of her mother but too powerful to let loose around humans. She kind of understands her powers, I say kind of because most of the time she surprises herself sometimes of the things she accomplishes on her own. Like in a week she managed to cripple the US government military. To her knowledge, she was dealing with the weak links that could be used as human bullets to throw at her. With her being a daughter of a mother the rest of the world folded to her commands the so-called Illuminati is a funny word mother called a group of her followers that had a lot of power in the world. She looks like what most people believe an angel looks like, a human with a halo and wings. At an intimidating height of 6.2, she is just inches under Odin. Her body is well sculpted and muscular with a mighty above-average chest to match. Her hair and eyes give off a golden glow. The halo above her head matches her hair color with her wings looking like glass shards floating in the formation of wings. Like floating shards of gold, it can cut through nearly anything she deserves them to go through. Unlike the rest of the family, she has both male and female reproductive organs. Her male parts reaching the length of 11 inches she could bring many men to shame with a simple flash. Their outfit style is as if she was a biker girl. A simple gray shirt with a short throw leather jacket to go on top of the gray shirt and ripped black jeans to complete the look. She never wears shoes like Odin but she can hover everywhere if she wanted to though.

That was the four-person army that could traverse into other universes to gather more bodies for the mother's army. A bunch of powerful mismatches that are sure to cause chaos in any place we went. The place we did go to is known as Trustee. It used to be identical to earth in the year 2020 but instead of a pandemic that blew over and killed a good bit of humans, it was a near-mass extinction of all humans on Trustee. Now the planet is made of concrete ruins and vast vegetation. The cause of almost all humans on the planet suddenly dying is a combination of a few things. The main thing was a guy named Cody Hicks looked exactly like Odin except for his tattoo and Cody wore a shirt as well. When cornered by the US government he made a choice that killed 90% of humans in a blink of an eye. Not exactly sure how he did this but he targeted a special gene in humans that allowed them to gain powers of many types. The only reason I know this is best is that I met his daughter and she was there to witness the entire thing. She was killed by that vampire-like female that aided the cyborg lady to destroy the facility she was in. If you're unaware of this event, well I don't have time to tell you about it as the story I'm telling you now is far too long to get sidetracked.

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