Chapter 3

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''Drop the ramp!''

''There's no cover!'' The soldier was still hesitating to follow Turner's order, seeing how things were getting too difficult to carry out the mission.

''That was an order, goddamnit! Drop it!'' Pierson didn't care how high the risk was. Executing the order was his priority.

Just as the ramp was dropped, their boat collided with another one already empty. Gloria fell down just like Daniels but instead of standing up she crawled to the left side when she saw how the soldiers in the front were shot down in the rain of bullets. From under the pile of lifeless bodies started streaming in her way the river of blood. ''Over the sides!'' Gloria heard Turner's voice but her legs refused to move as if her body was waiting for the gunfire to stop. Suddenly, she was pulled back over the railing. ''No, wait! I can't swim!'' In panic she wrapped her arms around Pierson's neck but didn't see that it was him because she closed her eyes before they jumped into the water, which was a bit cold as for June, and for a moment it got strangely quiet. When they surfaced out of water, Gloria dragged in a deep breath, still hanging on him.

''The water is shallow here. You can stand on your own.''

''Oh...'' Blushing in embarrassment, Gloria quickly let go of Pierson. In fact the water surface was reaching way above her waist. ''Shallow you say...'' Feeling the cool wind blowing in her way, she shivered in cold but the sudden rush of adrenaline helped her to forget about it for the time being. 

It was the first time for Gloria to take an active part in the battle and that's why she kept following Pierson like his shadow. The main task was to go to the seawall but Gloria got distracted by what she saw around her. Besides shell holes and shattered wooden pieces there were many dead bodies all over the place, making it hard to run. Gloria slowed down when she saw a man in flames crawling on the sand but Pierson grabbed her hand to make her move faster. ''Keep moving!'' When worried Gloria started looking for her brother, the boat behind them exploded and a few soldiers were thrown into the air. The sight of fallen soldiers without some body parts made her feel nauseous. She took a slow breath in and out to collect her thoughts and concentrate on the survival. In a close distance she heard Turner shouting at Daniels. ''Brother!'' She immediately headed in his way. But her brave run didn't last long because she fell into the hole, landing with her face down. ''You alright?'' - asked Pierson, who thought that she was shot. ''Yeah...'' Gloria spat out some sand before she quickly got up. ''Hurry before they reload! Move it!'' Luckily, there were some short breaks in shelling, even if it was just for a few seconds but it was the best occasion to move further. Pierson stopped for a moment to rush Daniels. ''Private Daniels, get to the seawall!'' 

Unlike Pierson, Gloria noticed that Daniels was still in shock so she gave him a friendly pat on his back to encourage him. ''Don't worry, Daniels. I'll cover your back.''

''Get to the seawall! I'll meet you there!'' - added Zussman. With his friends bracing him up, Daniels mustered up his courage to get up and ran to the seawall.

''Private Barson, on me!'' - shouted Pierson and went ahead of Gloria, thinking that she was following him. But she didn't. A missile hit nearby, blowing up a large amount of sand in her way. When she wiped the dirt off her face, Pierson was nowhere to be seen. All she knew then was to keep running. How ironic, the only way to survive was to get into the 'enemy's cave'. ''Those MG's are killing us! Get off the beach!'' Gloria heard Turner but couldn't spot him. Instead of him she saw Stiles, who was struggling with his jammed gun behind an abandoned military truck. Panting from exhaustion, Gloria got down next to him. 

''Gloria!'' Stiles was really happy to know that he wasn't entirely forgotten by his squad and someone finally came to help him out.

''Give it to me.'' Turner had taught her what to do in this kind of situation and in a few seconds the gun was fixed. ''We better get out of here, but how?''

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 04, 2022 ⏰

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