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The boys and I were impatiently waiting in a separate waiting room the hospital provided for us. The last thing we wanted was a bunch fans swarming us inside the hospital. The boys and I haven't eaten all day.

I looked over to see Taehyung fast asleep on Jungkook's shoulder. Jungkook was staring at the wall, clearly distraught. Jimin was on the phone with his Mom, trying to explain the situation to her. His voice cracked almost every word.

My heart felt like it was being pulled mercilessly as I observed the three boys. In just the short time I had known them they had quickly became a major part of my world. I couldn't even go a single day without thinking about them, working with them, or hanging out with them. And although I was younger than everyone except Jungkook, I still felt responsible for the boys in front of me.

My phone buzzed in the pocket of my hoodie. Olivia.

I had talked to Olivia at least once a week since I left, filling her in about my time with the boys. She was always so supportive, and she had mentioned that she would visit my in Seoul soon.


"Chae! I saw the news, is everything okay? I haven't been able to do anything since I heard." She sounded like she had just been crying.

"I'm in the hospital right now. We are just waiting. We don't know much more to be honest." I didn't want to give out any specific details of what I had seen out of respect for the boys privacy. I trusted Olivia, but I didn't want to overstep that boundary at all if I could help it.

Olivia and I attempted to make small talk for a while, but seeing that it was too hard to do that considering the current situation, we said our goodbyes.

I decided to get some food for the boys since it had been a while. The staff and managers were being forced to work overtime, trying to figure out how to deal with the media and their thousands of questions, so they weren't there to bring food for the boys yet.

I ventured to the downstairs cafe and scanned the menu. I had sort of memorized what the boys had liked- still not entirely sure though, I texted Jungkook asking him to let me know what he wanted to eat. Within seconds he replied that neither he nor the rest of the boys were interested in eating. Sigh.

Deciding that them not eating was not even an option, I bought a few meals from the cafe and headed back towards the room. I knocked softly and then entered.

Jimin was not off the phone, and realizing that I was balancing my phone and a bunch of meals in my hand, stood up and helped me. Jungkook just kept his head down, and Taehyung was still asleep.

I spoke softly, hoping that it would convince them to eat at least a little.

"Guys, please eat. Just a little." I placed the plates of food in front of them. Jimin looked at me with a blank expression.

"Thank you, Moon-ssi. But, I just can't." Jimin looked sorry. "Please?" I practically pleaded.

Jimin sighed and then took out the chopsticks, picking at the food. I was satisfied that he was at least trying.

I walked over and sat next to Jungkook, holding a plate in front of him. "Jungko-"

"I don't want it." Jungkook snapped. Jimin looked at him in surprise.

I, however, was not taken aback. It was no secret that Jungkook was taking it the hardest. He admired Namjoon so much, and Jin practically raised him. And now they were in the hospital, with so much uncertainty in the air.

I picked up a chopstick and secured a bite and brought it to his mouth. "I said I didn't wa-"

I cut him off by shoving the bite in his mouth. He just chewed, taken aback by my sudden move. Jimin began eating too. For the next ten minutes, Jungkook let me feed him, while he chewed in silence. Every now and then, guilty tears would fall from his eyes, but I quickly wiped them away.

When Taehyung finally woke up, he stared down at the food, unsure. Jimin encouraged him to eat, and listening to his hyung, Taehyung began eating.

I smiled at the boys, happy that they at least ate. We cleaned up the cleared plates and sat back down in anticipation for news about the boys.

That night, we all piled back into the SUV, heading back to the dorm. We had heard the good news that Yoongi, Hoseok, and a miracle, Jin, would all be coming home in a couple of days. But, Namjoon was still not getting better. They had to keep him there until he was stable.

The boys retreated to their apartment quietly. No one said a word.

Mentally and physically exhausted, I fell asleep on my couch.

MOON • bts Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora