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The morning started with a total bliss,
Joey and Joel were feeding their face,
With breakfast cooked by their father,
In his underlying disgrace.

"What's all this?"
Renée asked

"Well, I thought about what you said last night and you know, I want to be a father to my kids, but above all, I want to be the husband you deserve; I'm sorry."
Mike replied

Awwwww, I know I'm not the butter in that pan, but you're melting my heart, all I wanted was your love and support not just to me, but to Joey and Joel, especially Joel. Seeing you taking this first step though means a lot."
Renée outlined

"Baby, I got you, consider the me you knew behind bars and I assure you, he's never getting bail"
Mike replied

"I'm intrigued, okay kids eat up, the bus is gonna be here any minute."
Renée stated

"No rush,
I'll take them to school."
Mike added

"Are you sure? I mean, you'd be late for work by the time you get back."
Renée Asked

"Baby, don't worry about it; you do it on a regular basis and I know you're late majority of the times so its no problem besides, I'm the Chief of Police, who's gonna fire me"
Mike replied

"I love you."
said Renée

"I haven't heard that in a while."
Mike replied

"Did I say that?"
Renée chuckled

"I'm pretty sure you did"
Mike replied

"Okay, I'm gonna get ready to head out as well, after I'm done enjoying all off this of course"
Renée stated

"Alrighty, let's go little rascals,
kiss your mom goodbye"
Mike added

"Bye Mom!!!!!"
exclaimed Joey and Joel

"Bring it in, I love you guys so much, have a wonderful day at school, I'll be here to hear all about it"
Renée replied
as she floods them with kisses

The kids were off and this time Renée was not late,
she even got time to eat double portions of in her plate.
On her way to work, she stopped by her sister,
For it has been a day but she truly missed her.
And just like that, hours had passed but she still had time, she picked up her bag, kissed her sister on the head,
But out of nowhere, she heard a voice said:

"Is that mine?"
asked a mysterious voice

"Excuse me"
as Renée turns
around in anticipation

"I prayed for an angel in my life, so I thought she was being delivered"
the mysterious voice replied

Renée smiled as she uncontrollably stared at this man from head to toe.

"Where are my manners, I'm Dr. Hendricks, but you can call me Brandon"
He replied

"Do you normally introduce yourself like this?"
Renée asked

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