Bonus chapter

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It's been three weeks since Mason and Alexia got married

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It's been three weeks since Mason and Alexia got married.

Alexia has been avoiding him and for the first week of being there she cried herself to sleep every night.

Mason is burying himself in work, feeling guilty about this whole thing.

They haven't talked since the day he announced they were married.

Back over at the Tame's house things have been a little different.

Everyone misses Alexia but they're good at adapting so they've made their lives back to relatively normal.

Linden and Harper turned 11 last week and Alexia came over.

It was a really fun night where everyone was together.

They finally figured out it was Mason James' people who told Harper and Linden about their business.

Sebastian has been drinking a lot more and nobody knows why or what he's going through.

Same with Francis, they don't know what's going on with him but all of his older siblings have noticed he's stopped eating.

Halston spends everyday in her room, thinking about everything that happened with her mom.

She's writing something down for school when there's a knock on her door.

She doesn't answer but Camden walks in after a minute.

He walks over to her and sees she's doing homework.

"Can we talk for a minute?" He asks her and she doesn't look at him.

"I'm kinda busy here." Is her only reply.

"I'm worried about you." He admits.

"You didn't seem worried about me when I begged you not to kill my mom." She says cruelly.

"I thought we were past this halls." He whispers and she finally looks at him.

"Past this? I looked you in the eye and I begged you not to do it and you did anyway. Tell me, did you care at all when I was screaming down the hall begging you not to kill her?"

"Of course I cared, Halston, but I had to do something. She betrayed us. You know what we do for business and so does she. You both knew what would happen, and that's why you tried to run out of my office."

She stands and slams her palms against his chest, yelling at him to get out.

"Get out! You fucking ruined my life!" They both know the words aren't true, but they also both know she needs to let out the anger somehow.

"Is this what you need to heal? You need to hurt me? Fine, do it." Camden tells Halston.

She bangs her hands on his chest before breaking down and hugging him.

He hugs her back, knowing she's going through a lot and doesn't mean to act out.

Halston knows her mom being gone is for the better, she's just so angry.

But not at Camden, or even herself anymore.

She angry with her mom. She deserved a better mom and she's mad her mom was the way she was.

After Camden leaves Halston's room he sees Sebastian stumbling into the hallway.

Camden goes up to Sebastian and sees he absolutely wasted.

"Seriously, Seb? Again?" Camden asks and Seb just mutters. "sorry."

Camden helps Sebastian into his room and into his bed before finally going to his room.

Athena is sitting at her desk, doing some paperwork for the business now that she officially helps him run it.

"Hey." She greets him with a smile and he kisses her head.

"I think I'm gonna go to bed." He tells her and she nods.

"I'll be there in a minute." She tells him and he nods.

He lays in his bed and falls asleep instantly.

Athena smiles at her husband and kisses his forehead before leaving the room.

She knocks on Halston's door before entering.

"Hey girly." She greets cheerfully as she walks in.

For a week after Halston's mothers death Athena slept in Halston's bed with her so she didn't feel so alone.

They don't do that anymore but she still comes in and checks on her before bed.

They've grown a really strong bond and Athena sees her as a daughter.

Halston smiles at Athena and hugs her, needing the comfort.

Halston loves Athena and sees her as a mother figure.

"Want me to braid your hair?" Athena asks Halston and she nods, grabbing two hair ties.

She sits on the floor in front of her bed and Athena sits on the edge of the bed, Dutch braiding her hair.

"Wanna practice some more?" Athena asks her and she nods her head instantly.

"Okay, tell me what you think this means. Hoe is het vandaag met je?"

Halston thinks for a moment before answering. "How are you doing today?"

"Very good. What about this one? Ik hou van je lieve meid."

"I don't know that one. What does it mean?" Halston asks.

"It means 'I love you sweet girl.' In Dutch." Athena tells her, finishing the braids.

Halston throws her arms around Athena. "I love you too." She tells her and Athena smiles, hugging her back.

When they pull away from the hug Athena gets up and walks to the door.

"Goodnight Halls."

"Goodnight Thena."

Athena goes back to her bedroom and gets in bed next to her husband.

They have no idea what the future holds.

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