Chapter Fifteen - Leviathans Part IX

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We manage to catch up with the Winchesters and Donna thanks to the typical London traffic, so we arrive at Bank Station together.

Unfortunately, we've arrived just as everybody is using the tube to get back to work after lunch, so making our way through the pushing crowd to the maintenace section took longer than it should have.

"We haven't had much time to speak," Donna says softly, appearing beside me as I begin to subtley open the door with a crow-bar. I don't know if you've tried it, but anything involving a crow-bar isn't subtle and the Doctor's sonic screwdriver is still in his pocket as he attempts to find us in the crowd.

"No," I reply, grimacing slightly as I pull down on the bar and the door lurches open, "I don't believe we have."

"It must be tough for you, mustn't it? Y'know - growing up with the expectation you have to be like him."

"It wasn't always like it," I admit, turning around to search for the others. The sound of the door snapping open was enough to give them enough of an idea of where to head, despite the noise almost being drowned by the sounds around us. "When mum was ..." I pause. I was going to say 'when mum was alive' but now it turns out she was never dead. It's still difficult to grasp the idea. Or perhaps I just don't want to. "When mum was still living with us," I continue, brushing over it, "we were actually quite a normal family, by most people's standards. Sure, dad was already a consulting detective and I had learned to read by the age of three, but it certainly didn't get any stranger. When she ... left us, however, things changed." I stiffen as Donna wraps an arm around me, as if to comfort me. She notices my hostility and quickly pulls it back.

"I'm ... I'm sorry," she mutters and I face her as the others come up behind her.

"There's nothing to apologise for. It all worked out."

"Ready?" Dad asks as he arrives and I nod, feeding the crow-bar back into my inside jacket pocket. Picking back up my bottle of borax, we open the door and start the descent down.

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