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I gulped , now I was scared

I tried to ignore it but then it started to rain . RAIN for heavens sake

I rushed back to my house , I was too tired for this man .

|Tuesday , 7:00|

I woke up to my alarm going off

I had a nightmare last night, it was about the patient we had .

I brushed it off and got out of bed , and went to shower

After I was done with that , I wore my uniform, well it was only a white coat , other than that I wore a fitted black shirt with black sweatpants and threw my coat over my arm since I didn't wanna get it dirty . I put my stethoscope around my neck anyways though and put my hair into a clip

I grabbed my keys and left my house locking it, then got in my car since I wasn't in the mood to walk

After a few minutes on the road I finally got to the hospital, as I got out of my car , I realised the place was packed .

Which was never a good sigh

I walked in , keeping calm as I hear cries and screams of many people

And all of a sudden , the surgeon helping me last night came up to me , he looked tense and scared

"When did you get here?"

He asked

"Just now, why what's going on....?"

I questioned, making him give me a confused expression

"Do you live under a rock?"

He asked

"No I- can you just tell me already?"

I exclaimed,

"You.....Remember the patient we were treating last night...?"

He asked, trying to stay calm in a way which wasn't normal


I replied

"He......well ,.....he went missing, and his body was discovered....."

He informed which made my heart stop

I was confused , as I stayed still in my spot hearing the cries and screams , but now I felt them

"How could a patient go missing...? This is one of the top hospitals of the country, and you already know about the guards outside ?"

I questioned in pure confusion

"Yes......but, the police said that there was no sign of anyone entering or leaving the building at all....."

He informed , I could see the fear on his face , this wasn't normal , but the look on his face made me feel like he was hiding something

"Bullshit, that's impossible, when did you leave?"

I asked

"I left right after you did thankfully , because if I was there I would be blamed , they have the footage of me leaving too but after that no one else...?"

He definitely wasn't telling me something

"And what else?"

He knew I knew

"I saw......his body...."

That was what he was hiding ?


I asked

"He...was brutally tortured again"

For a second I though I couldn't breathe after he said that , I couldn't process anything at all, it was the first time I felt disturbed emotionally

"How could someone-"

I was cut off by a nurse approaching us

"We have another patient, his name is rohn and he's been shot and has a lot of bruises"

the nurse told me

"We're not operating on that patient!"

The surgeon guy said

"Sir , ma'am, you two are the best in the hospital, we have more surgeons come in but you two have to be there because the patient is holding on by a thread"

She said so I kept my calm

"Ok, give me his list"

The surgeon guy looked at me with horror and whispered

"What are you doing are you trying to get us involved in this case?!"

"No, but we have to do our jobs"

I replied as I received the patients list and started walking towards his room with the surgeon guy leaving , I mean it's ok there are more surgeons there anyways

| 10:30 pm - 15 hours later|

As the surgery was completed as all of the surgeons and doctors slowly left , but me, I stayed there , staring at the patient who was unconscious but alive

He was also tortured, But that didn't faze me , what really made my heart stop was the realisation of him sustaining 5 bullets and 17 cuts .

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