Chunin Exam Finals

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"Ayme where are you going?!" Sakura screamed as I jumped out the window. 

"Away!" I shouted back. 

"The Hokage said you can't leave until you're interrogated!"

"Uh-huh." Was all I said as I hopped off the buildings towards the Hokage's office. The second I woke up for a second time, I booked it out of that hospital bed so fast, Sakura, who was sitting next to my bed thought she I teleported to the window. I had, somewhat, come to the acceptance that my new eyes could show me the future. Well, parts for all I knew. I didn't want to try it out again, what I'd seen all I was traumatized. I mean I just saw the Hokage die, who wouldn't be traumatized? But all I knew I couldn't just tell anyone. In fact, I wasn't sure I could just tell anyone. I mean who would believe me? 

'Hey I just got new eyes from nowhere and now I can see the future. Also the Hokages about to die.' Is that what I'm supposed to say? Yeah right. I deiced to just wait and see if it would really come true or not. Until then, I wouldn't think about it. The little fuzzy blue ball was still with me. It was hovering around my head and glowing bright golden. 

I got to the Hokage's office and before I even knocked I heard a come-in. Me being me diced to politely kick the door open. I walked in shutting the door behind me. "I see you are all better." The Hokage commented not looking up from the paperwork he was doing. 

"Mhmm," I hummed shoving my hands in my pocket and slouching slightly. "So I heard you want to squeeze the living daylight out of me."

"I want to know what happened."

"Same thing."

"I dont- What happened." He sighed not bothering to start arguing with me. I shrugged. "I was training, and then some Anbu appeared behind me and attacked me. I fought him of course, not that he seemed to really be trying to hurt me." I tilted my head sideways and looked out the window. "He managed to pin me down and then asked me a strange question."

"What was the question?"

"If all my teammates and loved ones were to be murdered in front of me, what would I do?" The Hokage paled slightly before nodding to continue. 

"And what did you say?" lord third asked. 

I shrugged again. "I told him I would either kill the person or I would torture them so badly that when I let them go they no longer what to live and would probably kill themself." I sadistic smile flashed across my face before it disappeared. "Then he asked what if there was a valid reason for killing them off. He gave me the example of them plotting to betray the village." Sarutobi paled even more and I could clearly see it, but pretending not to notice as I went on. "I told him even if that were to happen it still wasn't a valid reason enough to kill them all. I mean there are so many better ways it could have been handled besides killing. Killing should be a last resort, not even the first one. I don't know why everyone thinks it the first resort." 

The Hokage was silent for a long while. I looked at him from the corner of my eyes, I could see he was in deep thought about something. Briefly, I wondered what he was thinking about, but then, the same pain as yesterday shot threw my head and I saw flashes of the massacred Uchiha clan. It was brief, probably not even 2 seconds, but it was enough to make me start questioning a lot of things. Why did the dead Uchiha clan flash throw my head when I was wondering what lord third was thinking about? Was he thinking about the Uchiha clan? Why? Did I read his mind or something? "Is that all?" I asked.

"....Yes, You may go." He waved me off. I turned around and promptly left without a word. I headed home. I fell into deep thought as we went and I absentmindedly entered my house, went up to my room, shut the door, and dropped to the ground. Laying comfortably on the floor I closed my eyes. 

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