Spring 14th - Year 1

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You gathered everything you had on your farm and sold it all. It was just a matter of foraging. Going around you picked up daffodils and dandelions as you made your way around finally heading to the wizards tower. You get there and knock on the door and walk in. Inside the building you saw an older man with purple hair, standing around an altar.

You watch with conviction as he does his magic and summons the apple looking creature that you saw in the community center. He looked over at you and told you that he was sensing your arrival for a few days now. You would be impressed by this if he wasn't the one inviting you here in the first place. But you enjoyed the showmen ship. He introduced himself as "Rasmodius", a wizard. He explained what the apple creatures were, "Junimos"... J-U-N-I-M-O-S it was spelt out. You lost a bit of what he said as he turned around to grab a potion he had made. "Drink this and you'll understand the language of the Junimos." He said to you. You truly wonder, are you really going to drink this strange drink, from this strange man that claims he's a wizard. Can a potion even teach you how to read a foreign language? If it was that easy why not just make a sign potion for the town? You joked, laughing a bit at yourself... bottoms up!

You drank it and Junimos appeared around you before your vision turned green, trees and leaves filling your gaze until you knew it, you were outside once again. You rubbed your eyes bothered by the visions. But, you felt even more engaged in the forest. The ground felt like it was ever moving and the wind pounded on your eardrops. The vibrations filled through your body and you went on your knees. The feeling was a bit overwhelming and you needed to take some time to get over it. It took a bit for the feeling to fade and you were left a bit sick. You felt like you were in part slightly poisoned but you also had a feeling that the potion did do something.

You wanted to go home but was desperate to see what the community center held for you now. You went over and found a bundle that asked for various things. The spring bundle asked for all 4 main foragables for the season. There was also a construction bundle that asked for wood, stones, and hardwood. You could do that, at least a portion of it. So you run to your farm and start to grab all of the wood you collected. On the way back and forth grabbing all the forageables you could. It wasn't enough to complete the bundle turning in all the stone and half the wood you needed. But you didn't yet have the hardwood.

You now had something to look forward to the next day. But today you were a bit too nauseous to continue foraging and you needed enough energy to water your crops.

Building a life (Male!Farmer) - Stardew Valley FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now