Chapter 2

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"I refuse to get married."

The words echoed in the dimly lit room as her fingers tugged at her braid.

"I absolutely refuse. I am not leaving my home and I am NOT getting married."

Dalia had returned to her room and after clearing away the rivers that burst from her eyes, she changed out of her heavy attire into comfortable nightwear and settled herself in the middle of her neatly made silk sheets, basking in the warmth of her mother's favourite shawl which she had wrapped herself in.

"I am not leaving Rughad!" she repeated, yelling out into the emptiness.

Suddenly, a knock sounded at her doors, startling her.

"Amira, is everything alright? Do you need assistance?" came the voice of the Head Maid.

"No!" Dalia cried, and after realising how abrupt she was, she repeated. "No, Raysa I'm fine. You may retire for the night."

"As you wish, Amira."

As the sounds of her footsteps faded, Dalia sighed with relief and fell back onto the cushions.

"I can't get married," she mumbled whilst gazing at the intricately painted ceiling of her bed frame. "I refuse to be filial to the traditional princess duties. I deserve more than being forced into a marriage,"

You deserve the world.

The voice of her mother echoed melancholically in her head and Dalia felt her tears surface again. She had not cried this much since her mother's passing.

Dalia had promised herself not to portray any signs of weakness in front of anyone, not to Masood, and especially not in front of her father. But today she had betrayed her promise.

If only mother were around, she thought. If she were here, she would have never let the King send me off.

Just the thought of her mother being alive again threatened to release another wave of emotion, one she had sealed away all those years back without a second thought. And just when she thought she could blink them away, tears burst forth from the corners of her eyes, spilling past her face and dampening her hair.

Dalia turned to her side and folded her knees onto her stomach. The sniffles turned into unstoppable sobs. All that accompanied her through the night was the lullaby of her cries echoing across the vast expanse of her chambers, pulling her into the realms of sleep.


A persistent knocking sound hauled Dalia out of her slumber. As her conscience awoke, the sound of her name being called pricked her ears.

"Amira! Amira, you must wake up!"

Dalia groaned, undoing her braid and freeing the locks of her hair. Raysa had returned.

"What is the matter, Raysa?"

"Amira! You must get ready!"

"Why?" Dalia asked as she pushed past the blankets and perched herself on the edge of her bed.

"May I enter?"

"You may."

The doors swung open and Raysa frantically entered with a navy gown swung over her arms, bowing and then shutting the doors behind her.

"His Majesty invited the Balqaas Prince to dine breakfast with him!"

"And?" Dalia mumbled uninterested. She would rather avoid the Prince at all costs.

"His Highness Masood is with them too,"

A nerve was struck at the mention of her brother's name.

"Did my father request my presence too?"

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