--The Diner--

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I had woken up around eleven thirty that night. I opened my suitcase up and threw on one of my brother's older hoodies that I had stolen and never gave back. I walked downstairs to find my Dad on his laptop at the kitchen table. "Hey Daddy." I said as I walked in.

"Hey Sweetheart, what are you up to?" He questioned as I sat in the chair next to him looking over his shoulder.

"Nothing much, I was gonna look for some food." I told him.

"Well, you aren't gonna have much luck here. You know how well I shop. And well you mom didn't have much of a chance to go today. Maybe she'll get the chance tomorrow while we are all practicing, but in the meantime you can head to Cali's Diner in town. It's the only thing decent open this late." He told me while cleaning up his mess at the table before heading to the stairs. "I would tell you to take your brothers but I know that they went to bed after helping your mother finish unpacking everything. Just lock up when you leave and come home, your key is on the hooks by the door and text me you get there. I will be sleeping when you get home." He said finally before heading to bed for the night.

"Okay Dad, see you in the morning." And with that I grabbed my keys, put on my slippers and headed to Cali.


The Diner wasn't hard to find. I just took the main road that I drove on a little further towards town, and just like Dad said it was the only thing open. There were only a couple cars in the lot. When I walked inside the waitress was helping a booth filled with kids my age.

The waitress looked in my direction when she heard the bell from the door. "Take a seat anywhere, I'll be with you in a moment Hon." She says to me,

I take a seat at the counter since it's just me. I grab a menu, pretty basic options, just the way I like it. I decide on what I want while I am waiting for her to finish up with the other table.

The waitress comes over to me. "Hey Hon, I'm Susan, what can I get for you today?"

"Can I get a Cheeseburger with fries, and a sweet tea please?" I ask simply.

"Sure thing Hon I'll put that in for you right now." And with that she left me.

Susan came back to shake my hand behind the counter, and while she was doing so she was asking questions about me because she said I looked familiar to her. "So you have never been to Orange Beach and you just moved here."

"Yup. I just moved here with my Mom and baby sister Abby today, but my Dad and brothers moved into town about three weeks ago." I told her honestly.

The seat next to me was suddenly filled by a boy who looked to be around my age, he has really dark hair, has to be at least six feet tall and has a muscular build. "So Mystery girl, my friends over there and I were wondering who you are. You see we don't get very many new people in town, so when there are, everyone knows about them, and we don't know about you."

"Well now, you wouldn't know about me because I just got here around eight at night from driving across the country. The first thing I did was say hello to my Dad and brothers that I haven't seen in weeks, and then I fell asleep from driving across said country. And then I came here because we have no food at home, we just moved. SO. I am sorry if you don't know everything about me in the first three hours of me being here." The boy looked at me stunned while his group of friends were laughing at him from their booth. That came across very bitchy, normally I would have been bothered by it and I would have apologized, but today I didn't care so I looked at Mrs. Susan who looked shocked and proud in one look.

"Mrs. Susan, can you please pack my food up for me? I would like to take it home today."I said in the nicest tone that I could muster up.

"Sure sweetie." She nodded and went to pack my food for me to take home.

The boy next to me had nothing to say. He got up and was gonna go back to his table, but hesitated and turned around to me. "My name is Johnathan, and those are my friends over there if you want to hang out sometime. I think we will all get along great."

I just nodded at Johnathan not wanting to say anything more.

Mrs. Susan came to give me my food to take home. "You should tell your Mom what happened here tonight. She will be proud of you." I looked at her confused. "Your Mom is Annabelle Johnson, am I right?" She asks me.

"Yes." I nodded my head. "How did you know?" I ask her back.

"You look just like her, Kennedy." I look at her curiously. "And I have heard all about you and seen many pictures from your grandparents. It's nice to meet you." She adds to her statement.

"It's nice to meet you too Mrs. Susan." I respond sweetly, give the lady a hug and leave.


I ended up deciding to eat my meal sitting in the back-end of my car with the hatch open because I didn't want to wait to eat till I got home. Suddenly I hear the bell on the door ring, and I overhear Mrs. Susan calling out goodnight. Then I came here and turned to see the source. It's Johnathan the stalker and his booth full of friends. And his friend is hotter than his friend.

"Hey I hope my best friend's Doofus didn't drive you out of there earlier." The boy says while the girls were laughing at something Johnathan the stalker said. The boy was slightly

"Well stalker boy sort of did, but it was partly me so I don't blame him." I replied.

"I'm so sorry I really think that he got dropped on his head too many times as a baby, because of the way that he acts. Please let me make it up to you, buy you a milkshake or something." He tells me, genuinely concerned about me.

"As much as that is tempting to take you up on, if I have anything else tonight, I might just explode." I told him in a sarcastic tone.

"Okay." He laughed. "Well next time then." "I'll see you around, new girl." He added at the last second before he jogged back over to his friends.


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