7. One Direction

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Hailey Aspen-

"What're you reading today?" Travis pulled out his chair and sat beside me.

Today we were in the campus library, my car wasn't exactly working so this was the closest place I could walk to without freezing.

"Are you asking to make conversation or do you actually wanna know?" I smiled.

"I actually asked because I'm interested." He put his hand out and I set my bookmark where I left off before handing it to him.

He looked at the cover, then studied the back, reading the synopsis.

"Do you mind if I look inside?" He asked.

"Why're you asking?" I eyed him.

"Because I know you write in your books." He looked along my entire face as I felt it heat up.

"You can." I nodded and he looked through it, stopping when he saw handwriting.

"Your writing is very good." He complimented.

"Thank you." I felt slightly embarrassed.

No one actually asked to see my books because they were interested, they asked to begin conversation or to make fun of me.

"How many books do you think you've read?" He asked me.

"Im not exactly sure. I own well over 900. But I think I've read maybe 500 of those in the past five years?" I answered.

"You've always liked reading?" He sort of asked, sort of assumed.

"Yeah." I nodded.

I watched as he scrolled through my book, smiling when he saw the stupid little hearts I drew around certain corny love sentences.

"You're really red." He shut the book and looked at me.

"It's embarrassing." I whispered.

"Not really." He shrugged.

"No? Me swooning over perfect words isn't embarrassing?" I asked.

"You're asking a songwriter." He replied, giving me a stupid grin.

"Yeah. I guess." I looked at the cover of my book as he set it right in front of me.

"You guess? My songs are a mix between The Neighborhood and James Arthur." He laughed.

"Both of those are great. And James is very talented." I hummed.

"Favorite song by both?" He asked.

"Reflections for The Neighborhood, Car's Outside for James. And I'm a sucker for One Direction." I smiled.

"Read my mind. I love 18." He told me and I froze, my heart trembling a few beats as I studied him.

"You're kidding." I blinked.

"Nope." He tilted his head.

"Wow. How much of a fan are you?" I squinted, skeptical.

"So much of a fan that on the Wii Just Dance I always did the What Makes You Beautiful dance." He told me and I gasped.

"You're incredible." I gaped.

"I try." He smiled. "I am a sucker for James Arthur too though."

"Do you know the song I was talking about?" I asked.

"Yup. I play it on my guitar. And sing it." He nodded.

"Is it hard to play?" I mumbled.

"One of the easiest in my opinion." He told me.

"Would I ever get to hear you do any of your music stuff?" I asked.

"Well I am now friends with your brother-"

"By yourself goofy." I rolled my eyes.

"Maybe." He shrugged.

"Are you good?" I squinted.

He laughed, shaking his head.

"I believe I am." He hummed.

"Aren't you supposed to tutor me? Isn't that your job?" He asked.

"Good music comes first. But yes, take out your things." I nodded.

I helped him, going over each step, over explaining it because he seemed to grasp it better when I did that.

When we went over some practice problems, we approached his homework.

He did really well with all the problems, asking questions if he got confused.


"Ta-da. Such a genius." I smiled when he was done.

"I made that so much harder than it was." He shook his head.

"You don't say." I laughed.

"Ill drive you back to your dorm." He told me when we packed up.

"You don't-"

"It's cold. Really cold. Please?" He asked.

"Okay." I nodded.

We walked outside and I got into the passenger side of his car.

I shivered, trying to relax my body.

He turned on the car, putting the heat on high.

"Thank you." I looked at him.

"Of course." He began driving, and I saw some light tattoos showing along his wrists.

"Do you have a lot of tattoos?" I asked.

"I do." He nodded.

"That's cool." I mumbled.

"Do you?" He asked.

"Yeah. Not a lot though." I shrugged.

"What do you have?" He asked.

"I have one on my forearm and one on my spine." I nodded.

"That's cool, you like them?"

"I do." I looked out the window as he parked outside of the dorms.

"Hailey." He mumbled and I looked at him.

"One day, I'll play that song you like for you." He nodded and I smiled.

"Yeah?" I studied him.

"Mmhm. But that's only if you choose to be friends rather than only a tutor or only acknowledge me as your brothers acquaintance." He told me.

"I'm pretty sure that'll be possible. Thank you for the ride." I opened the door.

"Don't fall." He teased when I stepped out and nearly fell on my ass.

"Ha-ha. So funny." I frowned and he laughed as I shut the door.

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