54. One Wrong Move

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Song of the chapter:- The Great War by Taylor Swift.

(A/N: This chapters is slightly (highly) unedited, so please ignore the typos I'll correct it later.)


It was almost midnight, when I felt something wierd. Ethan was asleep beside me, and this was the only time I saw him this relaxed or relaxed at all. We were almost ready.


There were still some safety measures needed, some more plans to be made, many more people whose security was to be ensured, and many more goodbyes to be said.

I stood alone in the balcony, the misty, cold winter air blew against me but I didn't feel cold, it was rather comforting, the night sky, with few stars the moon shining bright, it'd probably sound stupid or unbelievable to many but to me there was a whole different feel of night, hell I thought night had its own smell. Cold, icy, yet comforting.

But tonight it was different, and I could feel it. Before I can even think of anything else there was a knock on our door and before I can reply it was opened, revealing Mark.

"Donovan attacked Jake's pack." He went straight to the point, there wasn't time for greetings, it was started, the first move made by Donovan.

And I know I should've rushed down to the planning room and made strategy how to help them more after waking but all I could do was stand there and think.

Donovan attacked Jake's pack.

"Emma? We've got to do something?"

I got out of my trance, after waking Ethan we decided to send some help, a part of our pack was already trained in order for such emergency attack, and they were sent there immediately. Just when we thought all the work was done there was another attack, this time on Ivan's pack which was way smaller than any other pack. Thankfully Alpha Vera decided to help him. And by the morning there was another almost attack at Alpha Vera's pack aswell-almost-because they were unable to even cross their boundaries which made me wonder what kind of defence Vera had.

The next morning everyone was awake as nobody really got any sleep. It was a day like any other except there was a tension in the atmosphere; even a door slamming shut had everyone on their toes. It just got worse by the evening. But there were no other attacks, Jake's pack wasn't harmed and Ivan's pack only faced a little trouble thanks to Vera's help.

It was almost evening when I, and maybe everyone else too, felt it. There was a shift in the air, something changed, the hair on my neck stood, and then we heard it, something like a blast. We all rushed out, just as a guard came telling there was an attack at the Northern border.

Ethan looked at me, and I could see all the unspoken words in his eyes.

It was time. Donovan was finally here. It can all end here today, or we'll end. Either one would happen for sure.

"Get ready to attack", we both said as if we were in sync.

We headed towards the Northern border some of us turned in our beasty form all the temper, anger, rage, heat from the past attacks coming out.

"You all know the plan right?", Ethan asked through the pack. And everyone shouted in agreement. We could see them approaching towards us at the same time they seemed far away. Everything felt unreal one moment we were at the pack house and the next getting ready to attack, to seek our vengeance.

"You know the plan too, right?", I asked softly looking at him and in those few seconds I saw my life, my everything in those warm, honey coloured eyes.

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