Chapter 8: I Have Something To Say, Follow Me

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Two days have already passed since the Emperor's birthday party.

Except for the official event, I was staying quiet in the detached house because I had not yet been released from probation.

Maybe because I grabbed the workers like rats just before I got my memory back from my previous life, I was able to live more peacefully because no one strayed from their zone. It was the best way to not to be noticed by me.

While reading the socialite gossip, I remembered the face of the first prince at the banquet.

Right after I stepped on his foot.

I smiled to myself, thinking, 'He looked like he had a lot to say.'

However the first prince had not said much since then and just politely escorted me as his fiancé.

I wondered if it was too much to step on him on purpose, but I couldn't let go of the discussion about my usefulness, as if I was just some kind of object.

Just because the memory of my past life came back doesn't mean that my previous bad temper has entirely disappeared–

'The former Elodie is also me.'

What has changed is that I now have eyes that can see the situation more objectively.

Anyway it was quite annoying of the first prince to refuse to break up. It would be more convenient for him to break up this marriage now.

I twisted my face and said mockingly, doing my best imitation of Adenmir, "I fell in love with Estelle, so I want to break off our marriage. Try holding onto your skirt while crying. Humph."

I only imagined it, but it doesn't really fit well with the first prince.

Anyway, where was I in my reading?

"I even read the part where the Countess Faust and her butler secretly entered the stable......."

I was just about to get back to my gossip paper when...

Martha threw open the door and hurried in.

Martha shouted, "Miss, did you have an incident?!"

Far from an accident, I was confined to this detached house these days, and I shook my head hard because it felt like an unfair accusation at the moment.

"Ah. No?"

Martha threw her hands up, exasperated. "Look at you stuttering. You did something. If you didn't there would be no reason for the duchess to call you!"

My ears perked up in interest. "The Duchess? Did she call me?"

Martha: "Yes, She told me you should come to the greenhouse!"

Unlike Martha, who stamped her feet with anxiety, I put on my outerwear with a smile.

I could roughly guess why she called me.

"Are you leaving, Miss?"

"Of course, I must go. She is calling me."

I could guess why Martha was so afraid.

The power of the shadows, Perdia.

Although the nature of all family members is cruel, it was Themis, the Duchess, who was the cruelest person among them.

She was such a ruthless torturer that there was a rumor that she constantly fed a spy hiding in the family with poison, and made him feel like he was burning for a month.

There was also a story that she did not stop torturing the spy, even after he confessed the truth he knew, because she enjoyed his pain. However, it was not clear whether it was true or not.

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