Children are such a pain..

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Loid pov:

I must maintain a good relationship with them, for the sake of this mission.

I must know more about these 'creatures'.

It's basic diplomacy, and undertaning the other party is one of the fist steps that leads to peace.

Anya pov:

Understanding me leads to word peace?!

"I like peaanuts! I hate carrots though.. Ali likes peanuts, but not on food."


"But I really like crispy bacon from bakenries!"

"Anya, thats a bakery, they sell things like loafs of bread, cupcakes, or cookies. Not bacon." Ali explained.

Uh oh..

"Anya, you're a bit red, are you alright?"

Ali pov:

Oml there's a poster for bond man.

"I'd like this, please." Anya asked, while holding a poster a bit big for her.

"That cost's a dalac, you can't buy it with a ten pent coin." The seller told her.

"How many pents are in a dalac-" I asked, out of curiosity.

Loid ignored me and gave the seller the money. 

I need blackmail on this man, asap.

Loid pov:

Are these girls stupid? Or was the crossword puzzle a fluke?

Maybe I can still go back and get another child-

Ali pov:

Anya started getting red, and she's crying.

This is my chance to get back at Loid for ignoring me!

"Pweaase don't take us back!!"

"Huh- oh yeah- don't take us back!!" I stuttered.

"What has gotten into you both?!" Loid exclaimed, sweat dripping from the sides of his head.

"What a terrible parent.." People around us whispered.

"Pwease!! We're a good bargen!!" Anya cried.

Loid pov:

What do I do..

"I'll buy you both some peanuts! Just stop crying!" I sighed.

"Peanuts!" Anya and Ali said in unison.


Like I said before, I may be six, but I can throw hands.

Clearly I should be the best spy, because Loid just isn't prepared under public pressure.

After buying groceries, a bag of penuts, and convincing Loid to buy me chips, we're walking home.

"Can't walk anymore.. so tired.." Anya groaned.

"What?!" Loid looked suprised as to why a child, mind you a six year old, can't walk on her own for a few hours. We're practially skin and bones.

Lets just say Loid ended up carrying Anya, and she fell asleep.

"Do you need to be carried too?" Loid asked me.

"I can't tell if that's a compliment or an insult, so I'll take it as an insult." I replied, harshly

 I mean, come on I'm not that much of a burden.


Loid pov:

"Lets go to the Library, I wanted to return my book." A small voice next to me announced.

I should get 'how to raise a child' books there.

"Oh hello Ali! Is this your new father?" The lady working at the desk asked, full of joy for the young girl.

Is she popular among the residents here?

"Ah, yes, I wanted to return this book here? And if there've been any new fantasy books come in lately?"

Ali pov:

Good thing I went here daily, or this would've been awkward.

I wonder where Loid went.. oh wait, he needed to get books on how to raise children. What a nerd.

"Oh! Yes, here's one of the newest ones we've got!" The lady at the desk handed me a book.

"Alright, thank you." 

Loid came back, with a ton of books.

"Sir! Let me get you something to carry those!"

Unfortunatly they were just able to bind those books together.

Loid pov:

This isn't working.. I don't understand this irrational behavor.

I needed just a few manuals to understand it.

"Peanuts!" A spy x family oc insert (UNDER HEAVY EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now