chapter thirty

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I've never been much of a Christmas person.

It's not that I don't like it, but I don't go crazy over it like some people. Halloween has always been my holiday, which most of my friends think is weird.

I just don't get why everyone makes Christmas into a huge deal. To me, everyone seems to forget that they also get presents on their birthday. Christmas isn't the only holiday where there are presents.

Regardless of this, I'm still excited to be home and spending time with my mom. I think she hated that I was in the dorms more than I did, which is completely understandable. I feel bad that I've had to live away from her for the past few months, but doing so won me a state championship.

My grandma is flying into town tonight, which I'm really excited for. Even though Christmas is always just the three of us, I wouldn't have it any other way.

I don't go with my mom to the airport to pick her up, but I make it up by hugging her as soon as she walks through the door.

"I missed you." I say into her shoulder as she hugs me tight.

"Not as much as I missed you." she responds, which makes me smile. I let her go and she ruffles my hair, like she always does. "So, what does my favorite grandson want to do today? We have a lot to do, but I'll let you pick what to do first."

I think for a second, but come up with my answer pretty quickly. "Can we go grab the stuff to make your Christmas cookies? You know it's not Christmas Eve without them."

"Alright, cookies it is!" With that, she stands up and looks at my mother. "Casey, can I have the keys please?"

"Mom, I can drive." my mother protests. "I don't want you to overwork yourself. This is supposed to be your time to relax, remember?"

"You worry too much." my grandmother argues, waving her hand in dismissal. "I'm perfectly fine to drive, and I would relax if you'd calm down yourself and let me go to the supermarket with my grandson."

Instead of arguing, my mom slightly nods and hands over the keys. "Be safe. Charlie, don't stress your grandmother out. And Mom, make sure he doesn't convince you to get too much junk food."

Grandma grabs my arm and drags me out the door, chuckling as she closes it behind us. "Don't listen to her Charlie. She just doesn't want us to have any fun. Get as much junk food as you want. We can add them into the cookies and use that as our excuse for why we bought it all."

My grandmother is the best.


After two hours at the supermarket, Grandma and I walk out with over one hundred dollars worth of candy and snacks. We bought the ingredients that we need to make cookies, but we also bought a lot of candy and other things that we definitely didn't need.

As soon as we walk through the door, my mother gives me a disapproving look. "Charlie, what did I say about the junk food?"

"Casey, relax already!" Grandma says in aggravation. "Let the boy live! It's Christmas break! Besides, I'm technically in charge since I'm your mother, and I say that he can eat as much junk as he wants while I'm here. Discussion over."

I don't turn around to look at my mom, because I know that she's furious right now without needing to see her face. I look at my grandmother, who's standing beside me with a victorious smirk.

"Let me help you with the bags Grandma." I pipe up, taking the bags from her hand and bringing them into the kitchen. I spend a few minutes putting everything away before she comes in and starts laughing hysterically.

"You should've seen your mother's face, it was priceless!" she manages to get out through her giggles. I have to stop myself from laughing, because I know my mother would kill me if she heard it.

"Grandma, can we wait to make the cookies until after I shower?" I ask as I help her put the rest of the groceries away. "I feel sweaty and I want to change into pajamas."

"Of course we can." she answers with a smile. "Take your time sweetheart, okay? I'm in absolutely no rush."

I don't want to make her wait too long, but I do want to allow myself time to relax in the shower. I decide on fifteen minutes, because to me, that's enough time to do both.

Once I'm out of the shower, I change into my favorite pajama pants. They're just plaid, but I like the design on them. I throw on a plain black t-shirt, attempt to dry my hair with the towel, and join my grandmother in the kitchen.

She has clearly made herself busy, since she's been able to measure out all of the dry ingredients, get them into the bowl, and have everything else that we need measured and ready to go.

"Wow." I remark in shock. "You did that all so fast!"

"I've been doing this for decades Charlie. It comes naturally to me now. Now, do you want to crack the eggs first or add in the chocolate chips?"

I think it over, but reach for the eggs. "Let's do these first. It'll be much easier to add the chocolate chips after the eggs and butter are mixed together."

I look back at Grandma to see what she thinks, and her expression is beaming with pride. "I've taught you well."

Two eggs, a stick of butter, and a lot of chocolate chips later, the cookies are in the oven and out of our way. Obviously, we didn't add any of the crazy candies we got into the cookies like we said we were going to, but that doesn't mean we didn't eat some of it while we worked.

When the cookies come out of the oven, I can't help but grab one immediately. I burn the hell out of myself, which for some reason my mother and grandmother find ridiculously funny.

After three cookies and Grandma's famous roast, I can barely move. Mom forces me to watch Home Alone with her and Grandma, but I don't even care. It's a classic Christmas movie that's actually pretty funny. Besides, I'm glad I get to spend time with both of them.

I can't imagine my Christmas any other way.

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