Silence of the fearful

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Alexander paisley Blanchet. That name just sounded so cute to Samuel. He couldn't wait until that monday to meet and get to know his new little. He couldn't wait to dress him up and baby him as much as he could. He couldn't wait to spoil him rotten and care for him until the ends of time.

On that Monday, Alexander put on the plainest, most boring outfit he could muster together. After all, there was no dress code.

"Here is the Age regressor's Handbook. On the first page, there's a cute little coloring page to write your name. On the second page is your dress code."
"Our what?" Alex said, looking up at his Advisory teacher.
She only chuckled.
"Your dress code. Littles must abide by a dress code. And it the responsibility of both you and your caregiver to make sure you follow it. Not following the dress code will earn you a frowny sticker on the behavior chart. Each frowny sticker is reported to your caregiver." She explained before the bell rang.
"All right, go on to your regression basics class. I'll see you all back here at nap time. Have a sweet day, lovelies!" She said, waving the class out the door.
Alex just couldn't get past the fact that his advisory teacher was dressed like a kindergarten teacher. Were all his teachers going to be this way?
He was now on the floor. He starred at the floor im front of him for a minute. His reflexes saved him, but from what? Who?
"I am so sorry. Are you alright? Let me help you up-" And just like that, he was picked up and stood up again.
"Uh-" Was all that came out of his mouth
"Sorry about that, I didn't see you from around the corner there-"
"Um. Okay." Alex said quickly, walking into the class and trying not to cry from the shock and fear of getting knocked over. He wasn't in pain, not really. His hands stung a bit but that was it. He took a seat near Jackson, who immediately noticed something was wrong.
"What happened? Are you okay, Alex?" He asked, offering the boy his teddy bear. Alex took it, sniffling and trying his damn best to stop from crying.
"Do you wanna talk about it?" Jackson asked
Alex merely shook his head.
"Okay, well you can hold on to Honey bear until lunch. Just take care of him, okay?" Jackie said, just before the teacher began talking.
"Alright, so let's get started. Good morning, class. This is the class where you will meet your little or caregiver for the first time. You will be sure to do your best in getting to know your partner. Switches will only be done after a two week period. Then and only then will you be allowed to submit and have a transfer paper processed."
Alex sighed, he was going to have to deal with mister sunshine for two weeks. These were going to be the longest two weeks of his life.
"And without further a-due, let's get paired. Littles, go on and find your caregiver. Caregivers, please stay seated. The age regressor side of the room all hesitantly stood up, looking at each other before looking to the caregivers.
Jackson took Alexander's hand in his and they made their way to the caregiver's side together.
"Im Jackson and this is Alex?" Jackson said, looking at the first few caregivers.
"Jackson? I'm Nathan!" One man said with a smile.
"Um." Jackson said, looking to Alex who looked back at him with almost tears in his eyes. He look terrified, which was very unlike the last time they interacted. Last time, he was very standoffish and seemed to try his best to be tough. Now, he looked vulnerable.
"Wait, please. I needa help Alex" Jackson said, pulling Alex along as they continued to look for his caregiver.
"Alex?" A man a few tables away asked when he heard the name.
"Mhm!" Jackson replied, pushing Alex forward. The caregiver's expression softened as he took the boy in his arms.
"What's wrong, buddy?" Samuel said, pulling the boy into his lap. He looked around at all the other pairs or trios. All with an either excited and bubbly or shy and embarrassed little. And here he was with a boy who looked confused and scared. He began to bounce the boy on his lap, hoping that would calm him down. The boy however just seem to freeze. Samuel sighed, deciding it would be best to have the boy sit on his own, just for today. He sat the boy in a chair next to him and a notebook and crayons in front of him on the desk. The boy looked up at him before quickly looking away. After a few minutes, Alex hesitantly picked up a crayon and began scribbling. At first it was sharp and dark lines as his breathing matched that. It slowly became soft and light scribbles, which Samuel much preferred.
"Is that your bear, sweetie?" Samuel decided to ask, to which Alex snuck a look at him again before shaking his head.
"Jackie." He mumbled.
"Ah I see." Samuel said
"Alright I'll let you all get to know each other for this class. Your assignment today will be to write down three things you learned about your partner. Turn it in by next class" The teacher said before sitting down. The next forty or so minutes went by the same. Alex didn't talk and Samuel tried his best to be understanding. Alex didn't know what had come over him. Suddenly around Samuel, he was so shy and- small. He just wanted to curl up on his lap and- no. He was not an age regressor. He was a regular boy- man. He got up as the bell rang, eager to get to his next class and away from this guy. As soon as he pushed in his chair, he was lifted up, making him squeak in surprise, which earned him chuckles from the caregiver's around.
"Come on, I've got you." Samuel said, stroking the boy's hair. He carried Alex to their next class and sat him down at a table near Jackson. He wanted to make sure Alex felt comfortable and had a friend around. He left him there with a kiss on the head and a promise to find him at lunch time. Alex then sat there blushing and embarrassed for the rest of the class. The teacher had gone on and on about different ways to regress and how to know about what age you regress and what items there are for regression. Alex could only sit there feeling embarrassed, flustered, and incredibly small and helpless. He felt like throwing up. That is, until that feeling got the best of him. He rushed to the classroom trashcan and promptly threw up his breakfast. The teacher then wrote him a pass to the nurse's office, which he gladly took. When he did make it to the nurse's office however, he was unpleasantly surprised by the childish theme of the room.
"Hey there, sweetie. I'll take that pass from you. Just hop up on this bed and lie down. I promise I'll be back really soon." The nurse said as she walked away. Alex laid there on the bed, kicking his legs for about twenty minutes before the nurse came back. She didn't come back alone, surprisingly. That golden boy Samuel, his "caregiver" was also with her.
"I made sure your daddy knew you weren't feeling too well. It's almost lunch time so why don't you two get a head start? Come back to my office if you feel the slightest bit off, alright?" She said, smiling. Alec simply sat there blushing before Samuel picked him up and began to carry him out of the office. Only when they got into the hallway did it process to Alex what exactly was happening. He was letting this guy just carry him around like some sort of baby? Hell. No. He began thrashing around, making a fuss.
"Shh, what's wrong, baby?" Samuel asked, bouncing the boy slightly.
"Down! Down! Put me down!" Alex said, pushing away from the man holding his captive.
"Shh, we're almost to the dining hall. Hold on a little bit, okay?" Samuel said, ruffling the boy's hair, which only added fuel to the flame.
"No! Down! Now!" Alex persisted, raising his voice.
"You're going to want to calm down. Unless.." Samuel started, pausing their walk.
"Unless someone needs a paci? Because we can surely make that happen!" The caregiver said, chuckling as the boy hid his face by the bear he was still holding.
"No? Does my sweet little itty bitty boy not want a paci?" He asked, bouncing the boy who only whined.
"Alright Alright, I'll stop. But you have to calm down, okay?" Samuel said, resuming their walk.
That entire situation did not go the way that Alex had hoped. All of this was not going to plan. He huffed and leaned against the man. This was going to be a long two weeks. At that point, he decided to simply let the world pass around him. He was tired and stressed and confused and overwhelmed and he just wanted to go home and disintegrate. Samuel got food for the both of them and walked them over to a seating area. Alex expected to be put down in his own seat but was surprised when Samuel only adjusted him onto his lap.
"I- Sam?" Alex said, looking at the man who simply hummed as he continued setting out the food on the table. 
"Um- Do I- uh. Do I have to be sitting on your- your uh." He paused, not knowing how to phrase his question.
"Its either lap or a high chair, baby doll. It's the rules." Samuel said, moving the plate that was apparently for Alex, closer to him.
"Now come on, it's time to eat. Can you do it by yourself or do you need some help?" Samuel asked with a smirk.
"I- I can do it!" Alex said, maybe a bit too defensively
"Alright then go ahead. Let me know if you need anything." Samuel said simply, beginning to eat his food. Alex looked around the lunch room at all the other pairs. Most of the other pairs seemed to be happy with their situation, all smiling and allowing their caregivers to feed them and baby them. There were the occasional few however that just sat there with a pout, unwilling to cooperate. There was also a good amount of both littles and caregivers looking nervous and unsure of themselves. Alex has just finished looking around when a familiar face took a seat next to him.
"Jackie!" Alex said, gasping.
"Alex! How's Honey bear been doing?" Jackie asked kicking his feet and ignoring his caregiver's warning to stop.
"He's doing okay, you can have him back though." Alex said, handing over the bear.
"Oh okay!" Jackie said, taking back the bear.
"Alex, sweetheart, you have to eat" Samuel said, gesturing to his plate of nuggets that still sat untouched on his plate.
"But-" Alex started
"But nothing, you two can talk later after nap time. Eat." Samuel said, with the slightest bit of sternness that made Alex quiet down.
Right. Alex had completely forgotten about the scheduled nap time. He hesitantly picked up a nugget and took a bite. It. Was. Fucking. Delicious. It's safe to assume he ate the rest of his food no problem. But now, he faced a new problem. He was thirsty.
"Um." He spoke up.
"Hm?" Samuel responded, cleaning up the area.
"I um-" Alex said. He felt like he could die then and there. He just felt so intimidated and tiny next to Samuel.
"Thirsty." Alex mumbled before practically shoving his face into Samuel's chest. The man only chuckled.
"Oh yeah? Let's fix that then, hm?" He said, squishing the boy's face.
"Nathan, would you mind watching him while I go get him a drink?" Samuel said, setting Alex in his seat.
No. This was horrible. He could hardly handle one golden boy, he didn't need another.
"Of course, dude. I've got 'em." 'Nathan' Apparently said. Samuel walked away and Alex would hate to admit it, but he missed him. He was already so used to being held by the man and it felt so weird to not be cuddled up to him or on his lap.
"Don't worry, little man. Your daddy should be back in a bit." Nathan said, patting the boy's head.
And then there was this. The part that made him want to bite someone.
"Hes not my daddy." Alex mumbled angrily.
"No? And why not?" Nathan asked, seeming both amused and genuinely curious.
Alex however could not find a good reason.
"Cause- Cause I said so." He settled with, making the other caregiver laugh just as Samuel returned- with a sippy cup.
"What's so funny?" Samuel asked, handing the boy the sippy cup and setting him on his lap again.
"I'll text you later, Sam." The caregiver said, turning his attention back to the little. Samuel merely shrugged.
"Um. Sa- Sammy?" Alex mumbled, looking from the sippy cup to the man he was sitting on.
"Yeah, bug? What's up? Something wrong?" Samuel said, seeming genuinely concerned.
"Um. Do I- How um-" He began.
"You put this part in your mouth" Samuel started, putting the sippy end in the boy's mouth. "And you tilt it up" He said, tilting the sippy cup upwards. Alex could only sit there, red as a tomato as he slowly sipped the juice from the cup. And before they knew it, the bell for the next period rang. Alex was also promptly picked up and walked to his next class. As soon as they arrived and Alex was sat down in a chair, he found himself sad. As Samuel kissed Alex's forehead and turned to leave, Alex found himself grasping the man's sleeve.
"No-" He found himself saying.
"Hm?" The man said, turning to look at his little.
"No. No go-" Alex said. What was he saying? He sounded like a stupid toddler. The man only smiled, making the boy feel even more embarrassed.
"Aw, buddy. I'll see you next class. I'm just two doors down the hall. I'll come get you as soon as class is over, alright?" He assured. The boy found himself whining, on the verge of tears. Samuel sighed.
"Alright, up we go." He said, picking up Alex once more. They walked to the front of the class to where the teacher was at her desk.
"Excuse me, miss. Would I be able to bring Alexander with me to Caregiving and Regressors psychology? He doesn't seem very keen on letting go." Samuel said, kissing the boy's head as he held on for dear life.
"I suppose that's alright. I'll mark him present for the class. Just make sure he reads a personal book in his own time." She said, waving them away.
And with that, they were off to the caregiver's class. They sat down at a table in the back and Alex immediately began to regret his decision.
"Oh? Do we have an age regressor in our class today?" The teacher asked, to which Alex began to whine as everyone turned toward him.
"Yes, I'm sorry. He didn't want to be left alone and I cleared it with his teacher." Samuel said, bouncing the boy in an attempt to calm him down.
"Oh it's quite alright. Does he want a lollipop?" The teacher said, picking a lollipop from a jar on his desk.
Alex immediately looked up at Samuel with pleading eyes.
"Alright, go get it." Samuel whispered. Alex considered his choices for a moment before he slowly got off the man's lap and walked to the front of the room. He took the lollipop from the teacher with a small "thank you" before running back into the arms of his caregiver. The other caregivers around awed or cooed at the boy's cuteness.
"He trusts you. I hope you realize that." The teacher said before moving on and begging the class. Alex sat with Samuel contently as he ate his candy. He began to fall asleep as the rhythm of Samuel's breathing was rather comforting. He however was rudely woken up before he could completely fall asleep. He grumbled, adjusting himself to try and get back to sleep.
"Alex, no. Nap time is in another thirty or so minutes. You can color but you can't fall asleep." Samuel said, pulling out a coloring book and crayons for the boy. Alex whined and turned away, rubbing his eyes.
"Shh, come on." He said, kissing the boy on the forehead. Samuel really hoped that Alex would calm down. He didn't want to make a scene in the middle of class. Alex however, had other plans. How dare this man treat him like a toddler and then decide for him that he can't take a nap. He'll take a nap where he damn well pleases. Alex furrowed his brow, which honestly looked more like a pout.
"Alex, stop it. Do I need to give you a paci? Is that what you want?" Samuel whispered, booping the boy on the nose. Alex, once again, shoved his face into the man's chest.
"Shh, come on. Do you want to sit in your own chair? You'll be right next to me so I can keep and eye on you." Samuel said, running his fingers through the boy's hair. Alex nodded slowly and put his sleeve in his mouth. He had no idea what had come over him. Why was he acting so shy and clingy? Samuel pulled the sleeve away from the boy's mouth.
"The sleeve doesn't go in your mouth. Do you want a paci?" Samuel asked, more seriously this time. Alex began his whining again.
"Alright, Alright. But no sleeve." He said, sitting the boy down on the chair next to him.  Alex sat there happily kicking his legs. After about ten or so minutes of looking around and observing his surroundings, he began to stare at his caregiver. He wasn't bad looking, actually. His blonde hair did happen to be his most outstanding feature. He had green eyes and an actually cute smile- No! Not cute. Not attractive. At all. He had been staring for too long, it seemed because Samuel seemed to notice.
"What'cha lookin at, baby? Hm?" He said, kissing the boy on the forehead. Alex merely blushed and turned away. He laid his head onto the desk, kicking his feet and humming softly until the class was over. As soon as the bell rang, he was promptly scooped up and taken to the next class. The nap class. He then decided in that moment that if he wasn't allowed to sleep when he wanted to, he wasn't going to sleep when someone else wanted him to.
"Down! Now!" Alex whined, wiggling out of Samuel's hold and onto the floor. He began to walk ahead of Samuel who was quick to grab the boy's arm.
"If you're going to walk, you're going to hold my hand. I don't want you getting lost." Samuel said, booping the boy on the nose and continuing their walk to class. The boy strained again his hold, trying to walk ahead of the man.
"Alex, stop it. If you can't walk nicely, you can't walk at all." The caregiver said sternly to which the boy pouted and slowed down.
"Don't give me that face. I'm not being mean, i'm trying to keep you safe." Samuel said, continuing to walk them to the next classroom. As soon as they arrived, Alex lost his fire. He no longer held his attitude. He stopped at the door, hiding behind his caregiver.
"What's wrong, buddy?" The caregiver asked, noticing the lack of movement from the boy. The boy only whined, grasping on to the man.
"Alright, we going up up, okay?" He asked, picking up the boy who then dug his face into the man's neck.
Samuel sat down, his boy in his lap.
"It's alright, sweet baby." He said, petting Alex's hair.
This day felt like it was never ending.

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