Chapter 21

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An old man with hair white and thin as frost trudged past the royals, pushing a wooden cart laden with peaches and plums

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An old man with hair white and thin as frost trudged past the royals, pushing a wooden cart laden with peaches and plums. Its wheels sloshed into a puddle. Princess Kerani cried out in alarm as the muddy water splattered against her legs. The man's eyes widened. He released his cart and fell to his knees on the damp ground in front of the Princess, his hands clasped in a plea.

"I beg your forgiveness, Your Highness! It was an accident." Fear deepened every wrinkle on the elderly vendor's face as he held her in his beseeching gaze.

Holding the no doubt cold, wet fabric of her pants away from her skin, Princess Kerani managed a smile at the commoner kneeling before her. "Accidents happen. It's just clothing. You may continue on your way."

Relief smoothed the man's face, but it came too soon. King Ruagu came up beside Princess Kerani. The air went still. Terror flooded the man's features.

He shook his head. "My apologies, Your Majesty—"

King Ruagu raised a hand. "I've heard enough. Not only did you not bow to us as you should've, but you also dared to push your cart past the Princess like she's some working girl."

The man looked down at the ground. "My apologies, Your Majesty," he said so softly Esmera might not have heard him if it wasn't for her ability. King Ruagu might not have even heard him, but Princess Kerani did.

"He apologised, Ruagu. Let's leave him be," she said.

King Ruagu's jaw tensed. "I will not tolerate this disrespect towards you, and you shouldn't either."

The old man kneeling before the royals looked between them.

Princess Kerani wrapped her hand around his arm. "It was an accident. Please stop this now." Her eyes skated past all the gazes fixed on them, this spectacle in the centre of an empty street. She tugged at King Ruagu's arm, but he didn't budge.

"I think this gentleman needs to be reminded of who I am. Who we both are." King Ruagu turned back to the crowd watching his every move in silence. "I think they could all use a reminder."

Princess Kerani's eyes went round. She must know what that meant even though Esmera didn't. So did Tauram, if his gasp was any indication.

"Ruagu..." There was such desperation on Princess Kerani's face that Esmera half expected her to get to her knees beside the civilian, but of course, Princesses didn't beg. "You don't have to do this."

King Ruagu ignored her. His hand darted out like a viper as he grabbed the vendor by the throat.

"Ruagu, please. Don't." Princess Kerani's voice broke as her words fell on deaf ears. She grabbed the King's shoulders, but her fragile strength couldn't contain him. His fury was an avalanche freshly unleashed.

Everyone else knew it as well as Esmera did. Most of them averted their gazes and shielded their children's eyes. Some stared at the display before them, unable to look away. Esmera was among the latter, even as the impending horror of the scene raised goosebumps along every inch of her.

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