chapter twenty six

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christmas day was just like any other. cold and snowing outside but warm and cozy inside. her mom made hot chocolate for the morning with warm waffles and is going to cook later in the day.

her family was a little different for christmas. her mom would cook for dinner, similar to thanksgiving and they'd open presents after they had dinner.

the anticipation of waiting all day to open wrapped presents was sickening but still it felt a little better than waking up super early and barely being able to register what gifts you got.

"hey mackenzie?" madeline said while slowly opening her bedroom door.

"yes ma'am?" she said while sitting up from her bed.

"think we can convince daddy to let us open just one present?" she asked while holding up one finger.

"maybe, if you say pretty please." mackenzie said with a laugh, following madeline downstairs.

"hey, hey." maddy's said while running to her dads side.

"hi my princess." he cooed, leaning down to pick her up.

"can we just open one?" she asked in a whisper, trying not to let her mom hear.

"if we move quickly maybe mom won't notice." he said while setting her back on the floor.

"i can hear the both of you, you can open a small one." her mom said and looked over her shoulder.

dinner was just as fun as any other time and opening present was even better. madeline and mackenzie sat in the living room for around an hour just showing each other their gifts.

"you girls are still up?" her mom said after knocking on madeline's door, which is where they migrated to after it got too dark in the living room.

"yeah." mackenzie laughed softly.

"well, it's getting late maddy... twenty more minutes and you've got to get in bed." her mom said before closing the bedroom door.

"one more toy?" madeline said while handing mackenize a box with a small projector in it. she opened the box and put some batteries in it before turning it in and pointing it to the ceiling.

"woah." madeline said while looking at the colorful butterflies and flowers that danced across her ceiling.

"cool huh?" she chuckled while sitting on the bed.

"yeah, this is way cooler than my other one." mackenzie scoffed.

"the one i got you?" madeline nodded.

"alright little lady, you've still got to go shower before bed." mackenzie stood up from her bed and got her some pajamas and sat them on her bathroom counter.

"good night." she smiled down to her sister before walking out of her room. she sat on her bed to see the group chat making more plans for their christmas party.
it was now december 26th and mackenzie was wrapping the last of the presents before it was time for her to leave. she said goodbye to her family before driving to tyler's house when she arrived tyler, nixon and eryn were sat on the couch.

"mackenzie." they all said excitedly, nixon standing to help her with her bag and the presents.

"hi beautiful." he cooed, leaning down to her lips before sitting the wrapped presents under the tree.

"there's hot chocolate on the stove if you want some... i'll put these in your room." tyler said while taking her bag. she smiled with a soft nod and walked to sit by eryn.

"kayden went out to get our matching pajamas and mason stopped to get some cookies." mackenzie smile up to nixon as he walked to her.

"naomi begged to go to your house to see madeline."she laughed.

"i'm sure my parents wouldn't mind them having a sleep over, i could call and ask if you're parents are okay with it." he pressed a kiss to her forehead.

"it's okay, enjoy yourself tonight." she smiled and stood to get herself some hot chocolate. eventually mason and kayden showed up and they immediately went to wash their pajamas so they could wear them tonight.

"we should watch home alone... or maybe the grinch." tyler suggested while sitting on the couch besides nixon.

"the grinch?" mason said while sitting up to look at tyler.

"yeah, why not?" he shrugged.

"because we're all in the christmas spirit?" he said cheerfully, standing to switch their pajamas from the washer to the dryer.

"maybe we should just watch home alone." mackenzie laughed. nixon pulled her to lay on his chest while kissing her forehead.

it took too long for their pajamas to dry, they were all getting tired so they decided to wear them tomorrow when the opened presents. mackenzie was first to go up to their room, assumably to lay done but really she couldn't be around nixon anymore. not because she was tired of him or anything, but because of the way he made her body feel.

she knew how bright her cheeks got every time he looked at her. she felt the mess she was making in her underwear and needed to relieve herself. she sat on the side of the bathtub while pulling up twitter. over the passed two months she had found a few pages that she liked.

it didn't take long for her to slide down to the floor, her head laying back against the tub. she heard the door open before hearing his voice.

"baby?" he cooed, flushing her cheeks darker than they already were. she closed her thighs together as he walked into the bathroom, his face confused before realizing, his lips turning up into s smirk.

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