Chapter 13

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Y/n panicked. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN?!"

"THERES PEOPLE TRYING TO KILL US, WHAT ABOUT THAT DO YOU NOT UNDERSTAND?!" Nea screeched back. Forget the crows in this realm, Nea will work just fine.

"GRAB ON!" Laurie yelled lowering the bloody bandage that ripped off earlier. Phillip picked up y/n with out a word and put them on his back. Y/n squeezed their eyes shut and hoped for the best. Phillip quickly climbed up the bandage. They made it out and looked at the hell around them.

"What the fuck?" Phillip said setting y/n down. A handful of killers they had never seen before were actively chasing Laurie, Nea, and Èlodie.

"GUYS! C'MON LETS GET OUT OF HERE!!" Y/n yelled to the fellow survivors.

Everything stopped.

A giant knight, a blonde man, a short girl with long black hair, and a black abyss with a lot of arms stared at y/n.

"I don't think you should have said that." Phillip whispered as y/n shivered.

Everyone held still. Phillip pulled his bell out, rang it and booked it. He was still hanging on to y/n so they unfortunately flew with him. As he was running the other killers started to join in, chasing after them and using their various powers. Nea, Laurie, and Èlodie grabbed onto each other as they grabbed onto y/n and created a chain of speed.

"Y/n," Phillip said as he ran "reach into my side pouch."

"I-ok." Y/n opened the pouch and pulled out an offering. "What now?"

"Break it."



Y/n snapped the offering in half and everything went black. Ringing entered their ears.

Y/n sat up. They were in the killer cabin.

«вы в порядке?» (Are you ok?) Anna asked causing y/n to turn their head. Almost all the killers were sitting their staring at them.

"Uhhh what happened?" Y/n asked standing up.

"The Entity sent the new killers to come bring us back. It was not happy with our actions." Phillip said looking at the ground.

"Is everyone else ok?" Y/n asked.

"Yeah," he replied "everyone else is fine. They're hanging out with the new killers. Playing poker with Ace."

"Well wha-"

"HELLLLLOOOOOO EVERYONE!!!" Ghostface sang, interrupting y/n. "It's that time of month!"

Amanda furrowed her eyebrows and checked the seat of her pants. "No idiot not that time," Danny rolled his eyes at her "The time where once a month were survivors and killers have a sleep over!"

"What?" Y/n asked looking at Phillip, to where he just put his hands on his face.

"The Entity makes us do it because Danny is the favorite and he requested it be a tradition." Trapper said in a dull tone.

"C'mon Y/n! I'll show you where you'll stay tonight!" Danny yanked y/n in the direction of the stairs.

"Wait- I don't have any pjs! I can't stay here hehe." Y/n said, looking for an excuse to not spend the night with killers.

"Oh don't worry! Susie has that covered!" Danny said clapping his hands together.

Oooooo boy here we go.

Heyo! Author here! I wanted to ask if any of you wanted this to go in a certain killer x reader way, or just y/n's experience in this realm.

I'm asking this so I know which way this next chapter will go.

Love you allllllll

Love you allllllll

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