Chapter Sixteen

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I let out a loud holler as 'TRY' flashes across the screen. Finishing off my beer, I untwist the cap of the one next to me and take a swig of it. I ignore how many empty bottles are lined up on the coffee table. My sister's voice creeps into my mind. It's game-day, it's a given that I'll be drunk off my ass today.

Reclining back, I sink into the lounge. Reaching over, I scratch behind Diesel's ears. He lets out a soft groan, nuzzling my hand.

Swivelling my gaze back to the T.V, I continue watching the game. I used to put on a big thing down at the pub for everyone to watch it. It still is out on the big screen, but I tend to keep to myself now. It seems the older I get, the more antisocial I become.

The screen of my phone lights up. Glancing at it, I click on the unread message from Cassie.

Cassie: Stop being your boring, grumpy self and join us for drinks while we watch the game.

Sighing, I contemplate a reply, but decide not to bother. Another message comes through a few seconds later.

Cassie: Your girlfriend is here.

Scowling, I throw the phone down beside me. As much as that girl consumes my thoughts, being around her will only make it worse.

Another message comes through.

Cassie: Jayden is flirting with her.

Sitting up bolt straight, I narrow my eyes down at the screen.

Now she has my attention.

Jayden Barwick lives in the town over but comes to my pub every time the game is on. He is a total player, always scouring the place for his next girl to take home for the night. I usually don't mind him, he always buys a lot of drinks when he's in town, but I can't have him near her. Anyone, but her.

Gritting my teeth, I push to my feet, swaying slightly. Showering and dressing quickly, I head straight down to the pub. It feels like a few seconds later I'm at the door. My head feels light, and I shake it briefly, hoping it will sober me up a little.

Exhaling, I tell myself not to go in there with a hot head. I'm the one who has been avoiding her all week. It's all on me.

Pausing for a moment, I try to think of a way to get her to talk to me, since she probably won't. After a quick google search, I find that the next closest game to where we are is in two weeks. Not allowing myself to think too much about it, I purchase two tickets.

Almost every table is filled when I enter. Loud whoops, laughter, and chatter almost drown out the sound of the game playing on the T.V.

I find her straight away. She's dressed in uniform but today she has blue denim miniskirt on that showcases her gorgeous, tanned thighs. Her hair messily falls in tumbles down her back. She must have worked earlier today and be off the clock now, since she has a beer in her hand. She's standing by the table, leaning forward onto her forearms. Jayden has his arm slung over the back of his chair, grazing her side every few moments when she moves or laughs. Anger boils in the pit of my stomach at the sight of it.

The men crowding her cheer when they notice me. With a clenched jaw, I make my way over to the table. Her eyes meet mine and she stiffens.

"The man of the hour!" Jayden obnoxiously bellows, clapping his hand down on my shoulder.

Half-turning so that I'm facing her, I lean in close. Her scent invades my nostrils reminding me of when I had her pinned against the wall, my hands all over her body. Inhaling, I tell myself there is no smell better than her. I smirk.

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