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Valerie's POV

I stare at my mom in horror as she adjusts in her seat with a look of guilt. My Father is also sitting, just like always opposite me, watching her too with an angry expression.

I shouldn't have come here. 

My mother will never change from the woman she has always been. She had kept all of these in check simply because Father could provide for all her unnecessary demands. But now that he can barely buy her designer bags, shoes and clothes, she is hell-bent on frustrating his life.

This man is barely holding up and this is how she wants to help him.

She stretches her hand to touch me but I stand up abruptly, making her hand drop.

My anger has increased ten folds. Probably because she made me yell at Ryan for no reason.

I thought he was being selfish again, just like every other time when he cares about only himself and not me. This time, I was wrong.

"Valerie, you should go home. It's getting late", My dad says after clearing his throat. "Ryan and I have no business together. This is strictly between his father and me. His father made that promise. He said he was going to help after you both are married but he hasn't done anything. Ryan has nothing to do with this."

I tear my gaze away from Mother and face dad squarely. For no reason, my heart squeezes painfully in my chest and I am strongly chiding myself not to cry because I feel sorry for him.

He doesn't look sad but he is emacipated.

I got married to Ryan so I could help him become the man he was before he became a shadow of himself but nothing has been done yet.

I agree that this isn't Ryan's fault but he should have at least put in a few good words for my dad to his father so he could help quickly.

The help is urgent. Not something that can be delayed for too long.

I am not supposed to be mad at Mother. If only she wasn't too desperate, maybe I wouldn't be mad at her. If I was in her shoes, I would have done the same but I'm angry because she made me view Ryan as a bad person.

She made me hate him all over again tonight because I thought he didn't help me on purpose while he gets all the help from me.

I should go home.

"I will visit Lorenzo tomorrow again and see what he has to say", My Father mumbles and gets to his feet. He approaches me with a sad smile, then pats my shoulder. "I will see you off to the gate."

My legs betray me. They won't move because I feel numb in every part of my body.

When he raises a brow at me, he swings his right arm around my shoulder and moves, making me peel my legs off the ground eventually.

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