(8)Forest green.. {Caius pov}

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{Hello my dear's !! Now that I've got your attention just wanted to tell you that,
I'm here to tell you I'm introducing Caius' POV!!! Wooo!! Also for any Italian words or sentences I'm gonna put the translation in brackets beside it for you guys😉
I thought it would be fun to mix it up lol hope you like it —💙 Axle 💙}

*Day Dream*
I'm feasting on a human woman, she try's to fight back which amuses me honestly, but then I hear the creaking of the door, and I glance towards the door as it opens....
To reveal a girl... a human girl, but there's something about her...
It's familiar... almost welcoming? No it couldn't be! She's a measly little human!
No I refuse!!

The sound of the woman's body hitting the floor echos through the room.
I hadn't even realized that I had released the body till it had hit the ground,
The girl in front of me, looked me over with her eyes.
Her eyes... they were green not just any green, a deep forest green, but not just any forest, a foggy mysterious forest that one could wonder in for days.....
Questo è così stupido! (This is so stupid)

"W-who are you?" I here her say with nervousness
I move swiftly behind her
" I need not answer that.We will find each other soon enough.." My mouth answers without my consent
"What does that mean?" She asked confusion laced  her voice
She asks a good question for I myself don't even know why I said that.

Once more my body acts before I tell it to! This is really getting on my nerves!!
I lean down towards her neck, and whisper
"Do not worry, Cara Mia.." (My dear/beloved)
*end of day dream*

I open my eyes, and I am back of my throne, no dead woman, and no human girl.
Everything is as it should be....
But then why does it feel like it isn't and why did I call her that name... it's unlike me.
As I'm pondering this the door opens,
My eyes immediately shoot towards the doorway,
Only to see Aro enter with Marcus not far behind him,

I am partly relieved I'm not reliving the same daydream over again, but for some reason something in the back of my head tells me I'm disappointed it wasn't her as well....
The girl was a human for Christ sake!!
I continue this internal battle with myself until...

"Caius?" Aro calls to me
"Hmm?" Reply turning my head to face him
" what is troubling you my brother? Hmm?" He says with a light smile
Knowing that his smiles mean nothing, I reply with just that Nothing
"My dear dear, Caius..... it would not be wise of you to ignore me." He says coming closer with a stern look on his face
I look slightly past him to see Marcus giving me a pleading look, how pathetic,
" it's nothing brother... just thoughts" I lie
" well if it's nothing then you wouldn't mind sharing then? Hmm?" He says seeing right through me,

Aro then slowly holds out his hand towards me gesturing for me to give him mine.
With a huff of annoyance I hold out my hand to him and he grabs it.
"Oh my.... This does not seem to be nothing Caius." He says looking me dead in the eyes,
tuting like a mother would to a bad child.
Merda (shit) this isn't good

Marcus is giving me a weird look. confusion but worry possibly?
" what did you see Aro?" Marcus inquires wanting to know as well
"Caius' mate." He answers him plainly
"What.. is that not good news to you Caius?" Marcus questions.
" well there is one thing about that dear Marcus.." Aro answers again
" which is?" He inquires again..
"She's human." Aro states out loud plainly
The entire room turns all eyes on me,
" and that is an issue?" Marcus asks confused
" of course it's an issue!" I yell angered by his stupid question!
" my apologies Caius I did not realize..." Marcus states quietly

After that I am gritting my teeth seething with anger, so of course most of our trials that day, end in execution because of my anger.
After they're all over, I excuse myself from the room to immediately lock myself in my chambers.

"GOD! Why!" I yell at the top of my cold and Unbreathing lungs,
knowing fully well no one could hear me because the rooms of this castle are soundproof.

"FOR WEEKS THERE WAS NOTHING!!!" I continue shouting.
This isn't the first time this has happened to me but I paid no attention to it the other times because I simply killed her to get it over with this time she spoke!

This time I gave time to let myself know the truth!
Something I keep telling myself isn't the truth but deep down I know it is.
"UGHHHHH!!!" I groaned in frustration kicking a stool across the room into the wall and I watch as it shatters into pieces.

"Questa ragazza mi sta dando mal di testa e non l'ho nemmeno incontrata!" (This girl is giving me a headache and I haven't even met her!)
"And I hope I don't! Honestly!!" I yell in to the universe.
and as soon as I said that I felt something even if it was the lightest little touch, I felt something...
I felt something pull at my cold dead heart...

"No, no, no..... impossible... I refuse..." I mutter to myself leaning on my wall, One hand pushing my hair out of my face.
"I would not say that..." I hear a voice call to me from the door of my room
I know it is Marcus before I even look over, the calm sadness in his voice always gives it away...

"What do you want!" I snap , well turning my head so that I'm facing him.
" I want nothing.... I just would like to warn you about the things that you say..."
" warn me... ha! Su cosa Marcus! Di cosa potresti aver bisogno di avvertirmi!" (About what Marcus! What could you possibly need to warn me about!) I yell more annoyed with myself than him at this point.
" I just wanted to tell you that when you said that I saw a pull on your bond.." he said giving me those sad caring eyes.

In my opinion Marcus cares too much about others, ever since his mate Didyme died he's been like this looking at him, I've always seen mates as a weakness and made it a point never to know mine.
The weakness of a lover is also why About two centuries ago I released my wife Athenodora from our bond of marriage, and after one Century of hearing nothing from her I received a letter telling me she had found her mate and she was thankful to me. Not that I cared.

"And I should care about that?" I questioned
"Yes.. I believe you should." He answered
"And why would that be Marcus?" I asked him crossing my arms over my chest in defiance,
"Because your mate is human..." he recalled
I scowl at his comment,
"And that matters because...."
No answer
"I do not have time for this!! Sto perdendo i miei pazienti Marcus!!" (I am losing my patients Marcus)
"Caius... mate bonds are dangerous for human's" he explains
"In what way?" I ask looking for more information

He walks towards me and leans on the wall as I am,
"In the way that if you reject or deny the bond or worse if you were to break her heart, that small little pull you felt was much stronger to her, and it has the ability to kill her..." he sounds sadder the longer he talks about it
"Kill her!" I repeat in shock
"Yes death by a broken heart... quite literally." He lets out a small sad chuckle at the end.

We sit in silence for a while till...
"Vado in biblioteca. Se hai bisogno di me, sarò lì..." (I'm going to the library. If you need me I'll be there...)
Marcus tells me pushing himself off the wall and walking towards the door.
"E se significa qualcosa anche se non hai mai incontrato, il tuo legame è forte..." (And if it means anything even though you have never met, your bond is strong.)
he says giving me a small smile as he leaves the room.

I know Marcus means well but sometimes knowledge is a burden...

Crimson eyes (Caius volturi x Bella's sister-Twilight)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang