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I watch the two brothers face off.

Both of them are equally dark and tall. The same masculine build and proud stance. How could I not have seen the resemblance from the start?

They were so similar except for their energies. That was what blinded me.

Caspar has a dark and alluring energy that never fails to make you swoon. Swoon in a good way. A very good way.

Jalaid's was the kind that made the hairs on your skin rise, that made a chill run down your spine. Yet despite all of that, you'll still want to look his way. You'll never want to look away.

The pair were not like night and day. They were both nights. One was midnight when the stars were bright, and the vibe relaxed. The other was right after midnight when the devil and his associates descended to wreak havoc, the hour of doom.

I focus on freeing myself. My hands were twisted but at the edge of the rope. I only had to pull hard enough to get them out. I tug once, twice, and then I'm free. My hands are free. But I don't dare stand up or run.

"That's the thing, Caspar. I am not asking for your permission. You know I always get what I want, and what I want is her."

He turns to look at me. I quickly moved my hands behind my back as if they were still tied.

He watches me keenly, adoringly, like I hold all the answers to his problems.

"She is all I want," he whispers.

I turn my gaze away from him to his much saner twin.

He meets my eyes, and my heart stutters in my chest. I didn't realize I missed him this much. I didn't realize he cared for me this much. I knew he would find me, but the odds of him finding me here in a mansion in the middle of nowhere were staggering. But he did. He found me. And now the look he gave me assures me that he'll get me out of this unscathed.

I love him.

I love my professor. I love a man who was a decade older than me. I love a man who was forbidden for me.

I love him. I love him. I love him.

"I love her!" Jalaid yells.

That was not the response I was expecting.

Caspar makes the first move when Jalaid suddenly tries to run toward me. He holds him by his shirt. He glares at him like a mother would at their misbehaving child.


"I found her first. I saw her first. I shadowed her for months. When I escaped from the asylum, I went to your school. To ask for your help. But then I stumbled upon a girl. A girl with the cure. She was so pretty. Her aura was so pretty. I knew she was the one. The one to eventually cure me of this sickness."

We both watch him wide-eyed.

My mind couldn't comprehend what I was hearing.

"I knew I had to claim her. Because a part of me knew once you noticed her, you'll take her away from me. Like you've done with everything else. And just like I predicted. You saw her and took her. You made her fall for you when she was supposed to fall for me instead. I watched you two together. Watched you take what was mine. Watched you with her until I couldn't take it anymore, so I paid one of your loyal servants to tell me where you were last night. I also drugged you so you would forget everything that happened. Believe me. I knew the right dose to use. But you still managed to get to us. You're a menace, Caspar."

I didn't think it was possible to get more surprised after everything.

What the heck was he saying? He was delusional. He must be making it all up.

My dark ProfessorWhere stories live. Discover now