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Okay. So what? We don’t have to do the whole relationship thing. You can just go out with me, and we’ll call it a . . . a non-date.”

Dimple arched an eyebrow. “Rishi . . .”

“No, listen, it’s just like you and Celia going out, right? No strings attached. Neither of us has any expectations. We’ll just hang out.”

Dimple looked at his eager, open face, at the optimism and cheerfulness there, and felt her resolve to melt. Sighing, she said, “I don’t want to hurt you.”

Rishi’s grin broadened. He could taste the “yes” in the air. “You won’t. Just friends on a non-date.” He scribbled something on the paper and handed it back to Dimple.

It now said:

Will you go on a non-date with me?

Laughing, she checked the “yes” and hoped to heck they knew what they were doing.

They are so freaking cute!! But it does get cringe at times. But who doesn't like cringy stuff?

Anyone but You Stella.

Uh yeah fine.

"Stella!" My door swings open.

There is only one person who would enter like that.


"Geez, calm down what's it with you? "

He closes the door behind him and crosses his arm in front of me, trying to be intimidating. The keyword is trying.

"What?" I ask.

"You have a boyfriend." He said as a half question and half statement.

"Huh?" What boyfriend?


Well, I forgot he was in the basketball team...

"Don't act dumb ."

"He's...."  I debate on whether I should tell him or not. What will I tell him? That we were fake dating? And for what reason? He wouldn't understand.. maybe he would? but What if he doesn't?  "yeah he's my boyfriend."

A pang of guilt surges in my chest. I never lied to my brother ... I mean there had been lies by omission but not direct lies.

" And I got to know from others ?" I could see the hurt swirling in his eyes.

"I .. well. Did I forget.?Trust me I was going to tell you" liar.

"Fine. But if he hurts you he will-"

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