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Mercy and leniency are two of the most important things you can give people

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Mercy and leniency are two of the most important things you can give people. Chance after chance to do one thing. It seems like to give you have to get. And I've been getting my patience tested by some ridiculous ass higher power.

I'm currently sifting through a pile of blue folders to give to my employees. Cases are starting to stack up and I need everyones hands on deck. Literally. I have three sorted stacks which James should be getting soon, so he can hand them out. If not, I'll do it myself during my lunch break. The last group of folders are crimes done by the same people, making it easier for me to sort. I sigh in relief as I finish and lean back in my chair. I'm not so tired because James did keep his promise and he helped keep some work-load off my back.

I came back with a lot less work that I would usually have. But speak of the devil and he shall appear...

"I got coffee and I got ears!," James bellows with glee as he enters my office. He's holding a coffee in his left hand and coffee with a bag in his right. "You know what I want to hear."

"You look better than Jennifer Lawrence?"

"You flatter me," he says, letting his distaste for the woman be known. I don't know how or why it started, but he never lets a chance to slander her name pass by. "Don't try to direct the conversation elsewhere. Spill."

I take my coffee from his outstretched hand along with the bag full of treats. James traded out my office chair for a more comfortable one. He sits down in it and immediately grabs a stack of folders to put a sticker on them. After placing a clear sticker on them he or both of us will write names on top to make it obvious about who's covering what case. I underestimate my employees sometimes, but deep down I know they all have what it takes to gain our firm a win.

"About the club?"

"Yes, the club. Unless you went to Barney's sanctuary. That'd be an entirely different conversation," James pipes up. He's so weird, but unique in his very own way.

"Intoxicator," I taste the name of the club on my coffee stained tongue. "I like it. You really do know me all too well."

That earns a knowing smile from James' side. He slides me a stack of folders that had all the stickers placed on it and grabs another. I grab a sharpie from my supply cup and start writing names on top.

"No one interested me at first," I slide the folders back to him as I'm done writing names. "That changed by the end of the night."

That really peaked his interest. His eyebrows raise and he glances up at me for a quick second before going back to the folders. We're on stack two out of four.

"Do tell me more."

He's still placing stickers onto the second stack, leaving my hands free. I dig into the bag of treats to receive a tart with strawberry filling. The chewy goodness has me going in for seconds while humming in delight. James holds out a hand, so I give him two treats of his own. He has the same reaction as me and we both silently agree to get the treats again sometime.

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