1st Day

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Isabelle woke up the next morning, with a banging headache and hungover. She rolled over to see an alarm that had woken her up, it read 8:00. She groans as Hank came in. "Morning misses. Get dressed then come down stairs, you have 5 minutes" he shuts the door after him. Isabelle rolls out of bed barley remembering whats happened in the past few days. 

She comes down stairs in a pair of black shorts and a dark coloured baggy jumper. "Right, I got you toast and a glass of water on the table so sit and eat." She can't be bothered talking so she just shrugs and goes over to sit. "Words kid, we use words in this house." She sighs "Thank you". So, Is it is the weekend so I have booked two days off so we can get you ready for Monday. "Whats happening on Monday?" You, are going to a new school. In fact it was the school Erin went to when she came here. You have no choice here, under this roof you go to school." Voight states to Izzy. "Not like I have much choice in being under your roof is it." Voight moves clenches his face slightly "Kid, its for your own good I dont care what you want or think at the moment. You would have ended up at a detention center if you'd have carried on. Anyway the school is called St. Ignatius College Prep and before you even think about anything I have known the headmaster for years way before Erin went so I will know everything." Voight exclaims. "Of course you do, let me guess he owes you a favour or something". Isabelle was pushing his patience. "Kid, you are really pushing it aren't you. Don't ever speak to me with that tone again, clear?." She nods. "WORDS Kiddo." Madison groans "Crystal clear". Voight makes Izzy clear up her own dishes then tells her that they are going to see Will, at the hospital. She didn't think anything of it.

When they got to the hospital the two of them arrived at the hospital they were greeted with           Dr Charles. "Hi, Isabelle. Haven't seen you in a bit, Hank tells me you have been struggling a bit." "Uhm, wheres Will. Voight told me we were here to see my brother." Dr Charles and Voight exchange a glance. "Isabelle your gonna spend some time with Dr Charles today." Isabelle doesn't believe this. "I'm not talking to a fucking shrink about anything" She storms out with Voight chasing after her. "ISABELLE HALSTEAD YOU BETTER STOP RIGHT NOW OR I SWEAR TO GOD I WILL HAVE YOU IN HANDCUFFS AND IN A CELL BEFORE YOU CAN GET A WORD IN, THIS IS LUXURY COMPARED TO WHERE YOU SHOULD BE RIGHT NOW." Voight screams and she stops and turns around. "I DON'T WANT TO TALK TO A SHRINK ABOUT ANYTHING, I'M FINE." Voight lowers his voice a bit "Kid I made a kind gesture by giving you Dr. Charles because you know him. I can easily make you sit down with a stranger or in a group session where your forced to admit everything you have done to aload of other teenagers, it is not nice trust me. Take your pick". Madison enters the hospital again and follows Dr. Charles to a room with a two couches facing each other and a desk, presumably his office.

Isabelle Halstead                                               -CHICAGO PD-Where stories live. Discover now