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Everyone gathers around to watch Camila and Juan feed each other the cake, laughing and smiling as the photographer takes pictures. The rest of the guests grab a plate of cake then too, and momentarily go back to their seats to eat it before all heading back to the dance floor.

Dahlia and Jenna dance for probably another half hour then, sometimes it's upbeat, sometimes it's slow. It's pretty painful to be this close to her either way.

"Say cheese!" The photographer holds the camera to her eye, standing beside them to take their picture. The flash goes off as Dahlia watches Jenna smile at the camera, and then she turns to her and says, "Dahlia, seriously, we need to take one good picture for Camila's sake. So actually look at the camera, please?"

But Dahlia just grabs her face and kisses her, and she laughs against her and holds her arms. Dahlia sees the flash of the camera go off even behind her
eyelids, as they hold each other close and press their lips together.

She's kissed her countless times this week, but now, after the realization, it feels different. It's passionate, it's desperate, it means something. And, worst of all, ithurts.

"Jeez, Dahlia, we already got the picture taken," Jenna pulls back with a breathless laugh, before continuing to dance like nothing happened. She doesn't know she was just doing it because she wanted to.

They dance for a little while longer after that, before there's an announcement for the grand exit. So they all gather around again to watch, as Camila and Juan pump their fists in the air as they run out and to their limo. Everyone's clapping and cheering as they drive away, off to their honeymoon.

"Ready to go?" Jenna asks Dahlia, slipping her shoes back on.

"Yeah, sure," she nods, following her through the mass of people who are also trying to get back. And about eighty-five percent of these people are all going wherethey are going.

Eventually they find their rental car and tell the driver to take them home, Jenna leaning back against the seat.

"That wasn't too bad," Dahlia turns to her, barely able to see her in the dark car. "I had fun."

"I...kinda did too," Jenna shrugs, seeming surprised by it. "I think it's just because I only saw mom and Aaliyah, like, once, but I'll take it."

They both laugh then and stare out the window for the rest of the half-hour drive home, just relaxing.

Dahlia has no idea how she's going to tell her. Or if she's going to even tell her at all. She very clearly doesn't feel the same way about her, and she's so incredibly petrified that she'll ruin a friendship that only just really began.

"Finally," Jenna sighs as they pull up to the bungalows, seeing about a million more cars there too. Everyone is gathered on the dock mingling and catching up as if they didn't just spend four hours together. They very carefully avoid Jenna's mom, as Jenna slips her shoes back off as they walk to the dock.

They're trying to pass by easily and unseen, but here's one of the unfortunate things about being at the veryend of the dock: someone catches Dahlia's arm and strikes up a pointless, drunken conversation about howhe knows the bride and groom. Jenna just stands there laughing at her and shaking her head, as she holds her shoes at her side and waits for her.

Mid-conversation Dahlia notices someone approach Jenna from the corner of her eye, so she turns to look. It's her mom.

"Come here," she grumbles angrily under her breath, grabbing Jenna's arm roughly and dragging her away from the crowd, down the dock. She pulls Jenna so hard that she stumbles for a moment, before finally finding her feet and walking alongside her.

- Hawaii lust - Jenna OrtegaWhere stories live. Discover now