chapter 25.

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"How did you sleep, sweetheart?" Scarlett asks. "Really good actually," I say. "That's good," she smiles, walking further into the room and lifting Rose into her arms. I yawn and stretch my body slightly before getting out of bed.

"I'll come downstairs in a minute, I just have to use the bathroom," I admit. "If you're not ready to be up you can go back to sleep," she assures me. "No, I don't want her to go back to sleep," Rose complains. "I won't," I assure her with a small giggle.

After I use the bathroom and brush my hair, I make my way downstairs and into the kitchen. "You hungry?" Scarlett asks, flipping the pancakes on the stove.

I don't usually eat breakfast, but it's already ten o'clock and she went to the effort of making the pancakes egg-free, so I'd feel bad for saying no.

"A little, yeah," I answer.

"How many would you like?" She questions. "Maybe just a couple please," I shrug to which she nods serving them up on a plate for me.

As I sit on the kitchen stool and eat breakfast, Rose brings me a glass of juice and I can't help but feel overwhelmed by the love Scarlett has shown me. And Rose for that matter.


Once I was ready for the day, Annie and I were texting and she practically ordered me to come over, so after watching Frozen with Scarlett and Rose, they dropped me off.

"Thank you for dropping me off, and for letting me stay," I speak, unbuckling my seatbelt. "Of course, sweetheart. I'll see you Monday," she smiles gently, leaning over and kissing my forehead. "Bye. Bye Rose."
"Bye Lexie. I love you," she smiles widely. "I love you too," I giggle, stepping out of the car.

Scarlett waits until I'm inside my best friends home before driving off. "Ugh it's be so long," Annie groans, hugging me tightly. "I know, and whose fault is that," I tease, resulting in her flicking the back of my head. "I can't help getting sick!"

I laugh. "Where's Adam?" I question. That child is using jumping into my arms by now. "He's in a timeout. Called Mom a bitch when she wouldn't let him watch some show that was not appropriate for him," she chuckles. "Was quite funny."
"Oh, I wish I could've seen that," I pout.

"I have something to show you!" Annie suddenly gets a rush of excitement as she drags me upstairs and into her bedroom. "Look!" She gestures to the acoustic guitar leaning up against her dresser. "You got one!" I enthuse. "Can you play anything yet?"

"Nope, not yet. But my grandparents in Italy sent it over for Christmas and Dad let me open it early."
"Yay!" I squeal.

"So, you said you had something to tell me but you wanted to wait until it was in person?" She changes the subject. "Oh yeah." I sit down on the bed. "I had the most awkward moment on Tuesday night," I start. "It already sounds fun."

"Noah had a friend over, right, and I was eating dinner in the kitchen when Elliot came in to get the ice cream out and for literally a whole two minutes we sat there in complete silence. Then I accidentally was staring at him for I don't know how long—"

"You were staring at him?" She smirks.

"Let me finish my story. Anyways, I said sorry and then after like another minute, out of the blue he goes 'you're really pretty' and that was the end of our conversation."

"Okay first of all, I wouldn't call that a 'conversation'. Secondly, is he cute? Do you like him?"
"No, I don't like him. I've met him twice and that was our only interaction."
"Answer the first question," she raises an eyebrow.
"I don't know," I shrug. "Like he's not, not attractive but I don't know, I guess I didn't really think like that."

"That's fair enough. But if you see him again and you guys have anymore of a conversation you have to tell me," she demands. "I will. How are things with Willow?" I question, laying my head down on her pillow.

"Really good." Her cheeks turn red as her shoulders lift up and her knees are brought to her chest. "We're hanging out tomorrow," she continues. "Yay, what are you doing?" I ask further. "Her family is going down to Malibu for the day and she asked if I wanted to come with them."

"Oh you're meeting her family?" I tease. "Shut up."

"Is she out?" I ask. "Yeah."
"Are you?"
"Nope," she sighs, "I don't know how to tell them."
"Do you want me to be there with you?" I offer. "Yes please," she nods with a nervous smile.

"Can you come with me now?" She questions quietly. "You want to now?" I smile excitedly. "Mhm. It's been weighing on my chest for so long and I feel like I need to tell them," she explains. "Okay. Let's go," I say, jumping off the bed and grabbing her hand.

We make our way downstairs and into the living room where both her parents are sat watching what seems like a very, very boring movie.

"I need to tell you something," Annie stands in front of the tv. Gracie reaches for the remote and pressed pause. "Go on," she speaks slightly confused. "I, um...I'....m."

"Honey, you can tell us anything. You know there's no judgment here." Her dad assures her.

Annie nods before looking at me and taking a deep breath. "Can you say it?" She asks, tears forming in her eyes.

"Annie's fruity," I turn to her parents, squeezing her hand tightly.

"Huh?" They both answer, clearly confused.

"Sorry. She likes girls. She's gay. Lesbeannn." I drag out.

"Ohhh," Gracie says in realisation. "Yeah, we already knew." Her dad laughs.

"You did?" My best friend questions, wiping her tears. "Well, we always suspected but after you wouldn't stop talking about this Willow girl we had a pretty sure idea," her mom admits.

"Now come give us a hug!"

hiiii! there's gonna be a big time jump in the next chapter cause I feel like I'm dragging on a bit aha

Movies // Scarlett x Daughter FigureTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang