Chapter 8: Strike Two

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Text from: Jake Morris-Whittaker, 6:17 am

Ellie's Daily Reminder 5/180: Remember who you are and where you came from. No competing with the rich kids anywhere but the soccer field.

What about the classroom?

Sorry, who is this?

I meant to send this to my sister.

The one who hates paying attention in class.



"This is your house?" I wailed from the back seat of JJ's Audi. "You said it was little!"

"Well it is. Compared to the estate in Devon." Audra unbuckled her seatbelt and punched JJ in the arm. "Thanks for driving, chauffeur!"

"Oy," JJ barked after her. "Don't forget our trade. I drive, and you're on liquor supervision tonight."

I was still gaping at the Tudor mansion outside the window when Audra opened Gyeong-Ja's door for her and JJ hauled a half dozen grocery bags from the trunk.

Rolling her eyes, Audra poked her head back into the car and said, "Shut that gaping mouth of yours and come on. Unless you're planning on wearing your uniform to the party."

No matter how hard I tried, though, I wasn't completely able to shut my gaping mouth. Not when the entrance hall was three times the size of Jake's entire condo. Twin staircases flanked a massive chandelier, suspended over a huge bouquet of fresh flowers, and I stared at it all, wide-eyed, as I followed Audra and Gyeong-Ja upstairs.

"Toss your stuff in here and don't mind the mess," Audra said, opening the door to a room that was most definitely hers. The furniture was similar to the elegant, modern pieces that had made the rest of the house feel like a high-end hotel, but the walls were plastered with English Premiere League posters, and the floor was covered in laundry, homework, and soccer equipment.

"I'm going to plug in my curling iron," Gyeong-Ja said, fishing through her overnight bag. "Bring me a snack?"

"Of course, love," Audra said. "Come on El. Let's get munchies and I'll give you the tour. Or are you still too busy gaping?"

I dropped my bags. "Are you sure you're not royalty?"

Audra gave me an exaggerated bow. "I am but a humble peasant."

I followed her down a back staircase, this one narrower and far less grand than the front ones, and we ended up in a full chef's kitchen that connected to an open concept living area. Outside, a colonnade ran along the floor-to-ceiling windows with a pool and manicured garden beyond.

"So if I get tired of dorm life, can I just live with you guys?" I asked.

"Rent's 3000 quid a month," JJ said, from where he was stocking the fridge with sodas.

Audra cuffed him across the back of the head before she opened the door to a walk-in pantry. "Come on, give her the friends and family rate at least. Where'd you put the snacks?"

"Can I do anything to help?" I asked, climbing into a bar seat at the pale quartz kitchen island.

"Cut these," JJ said, tossing me a bag of celery and a pair of bell peppers, followed by a sack of baby carrots. "And put those on a plate."

JJ's phone blipped on the counter and Audra peered over at it while he unloaded a box of soda cans.

"Will's coming early?" Audra demanded, pausing in opening a bag of Doritos. My ears perked up, but I was careful to keep slicing the veggies so as not to earn another one of Audra's glares.

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