Christmas OVA!

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Kaiya POV

"Eh? Kaiya I thought you usually study for finals with Ran and Sonoko." Conan came into Agasa's house where I was studying.

"Well... Sonoko is a great friend but when it comes to studying...." I trailed off.

- flashback - 

(at the school library)

"Kaiya, Ran how do you solve this math problem?!" Sonoko thrust a book in our faces.

"Umm well... if you factor this.... and multiply that... then you should be able to solve for x." I explained.

"But the teacher taught it this way." Ran pulled out a copy of her notes.

"I guess that works too but I probably learned it differently since I did most of my schooling in America." I explained.

"Agh you both are confusing me!" Sonoko groaned in frustration. "Which way is the right way then?"

"Shh!" the librarian gave us a disapproving look.

"Sorry..." Ran and I sweatdropped. Yikes, librarians are scary...

- flashback ends -

"So yeah... that's how our study session turned out." I told Conan.

Conan and Haibara laughed at my story.

"Ya know, you have to take the finals too, Kudo-kun." I reminded him.

Conan 's smile faded and his expression turned to one of panic. "That's right!"

I sighed. "You're lucky Ran prepared something for you." I went into my backpack. "She made a study guide and wanted me to give it to you."

"This is so thorough!" Conan read through the pages. Of course it was thorough... Ran was worried because Shinichi missed a lot of classes so she took extra notes and made a study guide for him. But he was pretty smart anyways so I'm sure he'll be fine.


(a week later)

After a whole week of finals... we were finally on break. Shinichi managed to make it through the week by taking the antidotes before school.

"Ahh we're done with finals!" Sonoko cheered. "That was exhausting!" 

"We should hang out over winter break!" Ran said and Masumi and I nodded.

"Do you have any plans over break?" Masumi asked.

"Probably reading murder mystery books as usual." I replied.

"Those books are really good." Masumi agreed.

"My family's going skiing over the weekend! You guys should come with!" Sonoko urged us.


"Whoo hoo!" I shouted as I skiied down the slope. Sonoko managed to get a cabin for all of us so we went skiing. It was certianly a beautiful resort, like a winter wonderland. I laughed as we had snowball fights and built snowman. I haven't seen snow in so long! The resort also had amazing hot chocolate with peppermints and marshmellows.


(back home)

"Kaiya-chan, we must go Christmas shopping!" Yukiko told me eagerly.

"Just be careful not to over do it." Yusaku reminded Yukiko.

"We're all going Christmas shopping so it's fine!" Yukiko declared.

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