chapter 119

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Nomzamo's POV

On this day last year we shared our very first kiss and it lingers in my head like it happened yesterday
Today is luthando's birthday dinner and boy am I excited

It's already the mid hours of the day dinner starts at 18:00 till late
Nkosenye and I are still in kamva's room trying to pack the things in his walk in closet he's grown enough for one

Mind you kamva is only like one month

Me:"realisation only hits me now that kamva has a lot of clothes "

Nkosenye:"worse some of them he's never going to wear them "

Me:"why did you buy so much clothes vele wena?"

Nkosenye:"relax baby we can just donate give it to the needy "

Me:"greatest idea you have ever came up with "

We are already folding the clothes , Nkosenye is busy with the wrappers and the blankets he's got like a lot of receivers and all those and they all branded

Nkosenye:"baby have you found an outfit for the party ?"

Me:"yep "

He means the engagement party since u went shopping with him just yesterday for some boots and my god they are gorgeous and too sexy to myself

The door opens and amahle walks in with bay kamva and pslams phela the girl is finally attempting to walk not but these days she crawls

Me:"ohhh my two little punkies "

Amahle:'yohhh the nicknames nomzamo gives y'all are just pure torture "

Nkosenye:"punkies ?"

Me:"what!!!? I got caught up in the mood"

Amahle:"are y'all done ?"

Me:"nope not at all babe kamva has a lot of clothes and his father dosent help by buying him almost every sneaker or t-shirt there is"

Amahle:"heyyy it's really nice being the first born kamva baby enjoy it while it lasts "
Me:"kamva still has a long way to go till he has siblings "

Nkosenye:"you means he's got like a year "

Me:"one thing I'm not going to be in the next 3 years or so is pregnant never shame !!"

Nkosenye:"nomzamo next thing you gonna tell me we must adopt "

Amahle:"bro you just exaggerating nomzamo wouldnt say that "

Me:"you know I might just consider it "

Nkosenye:"on you own not with me shem"

Nkosenye is just too dramatic he knows I got matric next year a very important year for me

Lee's POV

It's the girls 17th birthday and bit am I just so grateful and so happy it is all by god's grace I got an amazing group of friends that love and appreciate me I know the do judging by the love they give me

Who would have thought that I would be in the same squad with thee Nkosenye dlamini and his friends but today I'm Evied by many and I find that a good thing god blessed me with those people in my life

My boyfriend has been very very loving shame we are already on 10 months together and it's so fun shame it's been a hell of a ride and I've been all for it yet ngyamthanda umuntu shame

It's already like 14:00 and it's time to go do my nails mind you school is opening soon when I already did them but I'm just going to maincure them you know add some shine nail paint to make them look kind of new

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