Chapter 12 - Losing Friends

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Chapter 12 - Losing Friends

            Ashton stepped inside the tube car, the subway system running throughout London.  Jana and Ford followed. The car was empty besides the three and they exchanged glances as the red doors shut. Everyone waited for the train to start moving. A quick jolt and suddenly they were rushing through the tunnels beneath London.

            “We need to find her!” Ford said on the verge of tears. He couldn’t take it thinking about what Audrey must be going through.

            “We will,” Jana reassured.
             “God, it’s like… I can’t share this part of my life with people.” Ford punched the side of the car and Aston grabbed him.
            “It’s not your fault.” Aston held Ford for a second and then let him go.

            “No, it is my fault, I’ve put her in danger more times than once and-I put everyone in danger, you two must know that!” Ford looked at the other two teen Sages.

            “You do have a point can’t just seclude yourself from people!” Jana pointed out.

            “Plus, think of all the people you’ve saved and are going to save mate.” Ashton added.

            “I think we should focus on saving Audrey,” Jana sat down in one of the seats and crossed her legs.

            “Why do bad guys always have to talk in riddles?” Ashton grabbed onto one of the handlebars as the train halted. The doors slid open.

            “Mind the gap.” An electronic voice said and the doors slid back shut. The train then continued on its way.

            “The spoken stone, a talking rock?” Jana mused thinking the riddle over.

            “The Rosetta stone, they used it to translate ancient Egyptian.” Ford remembered the tid-bit from this morning. Ms. Royce spoke about it at the museum before he got transported back here.

            “So, he is going to sacrifice her?” Ashton said then winced looking at Ford’s face.

            “Well,” Jana started, “Druid’s can predict the future, but they way they do it is through sacrifice. They read how the body twitches, falls to the ground, how the blood trails away.”

            “We get the picture, gory and gross.” Ford continued, “How do we kill it?”

            “Well, they are just magical people, they aren’t indestructible.” Jana reminded the team as the train started to slow once more. “Here is our stop.”

            “I’m going for Audrey, you guys focus on the Druid.” Ford said as the three exited into the tube station.


            Blowing down a back door into the British Museum the trio walked in. There weren’t any alarms, or sirens. They continued through the dark back halls of the museum. Ford stopped and spotted a body on the ground it was ripped to shreds, probably by wolves. It was the security guard. He gulped and stepped over it. Moving past the body he entered the main hall. There she was, Audrey lay on a bench. A growl caught Ford’s attention and he spotted two wolves step out.

            “I got the wolf.” Jana shouted sending a fire hose strength stream of water at the beast.

            “Audrey!” Ford bolted forward towards his friend. Then out of nowhere he felt the wind knocked out of him as he hit the marble and slid back. The staff of the Druid hit him. The Druid smirked and summoned a giant bear, which pounced towards Ford.

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