• Thirty-six

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"Son, is everything okay?" Lady Arthur watched her only child as they sat on the comfy sofas by the living room. The news she had received lately made her extremely gleeful. Unable to contain her curiosity, she had even asked Gwen further just to confirm.

The sound of it was music to her ears. Her son liked someone and even when Gwen had refused to give further details, she had a general idea of who that was. Thus as they continued to sip their teas as the morning stretched over, she couldn't hold it in.

"Yes mother," Matteo replied, smiling warmly when she eyed him in disbelief. He was doing much better unlike most days and his mother seemed not convinced.

"When are they going to be here?" He asked as a brief silence passed on. All morning they had been expecting two visitors. They were people he'd grown up knowing as they were practically neighbors though circumstances had forced them to move.

Wayne and his father Lord Matthews. He and Wayne had been best friends at that time, almost a decade ago. They tried to keep in touch with letters but time and distance pushed them further apart. Only memories of their younger self lingered and that was better than nothing at all.

"They shall be here any time now," Lady Arthur called a maid over to ensure that everything was in place. Lord Matthews had indeed been a true friend of her late husband. The message of his demise had devastated him and despite having just moved for his new merchandise, he returned and stayed with them for a month. It had been a tough time for them all.

The doorbell rang just as soon and Matteo rose to his feet and guided his mother to receive them. The medicine had helped greatly as she was now as strong as ever. Strong to even jump around. He had caught her as she talked to Gwen over the kitchen.

"Lord Matthews," Lady Arthur greeted as soon as the door flung open. He had a small scar above his left cheek and had gotten older though his eyes still remained sharp. Beside him stood his son who very much resembled him.

"It has been so long," he smiled walking closer and placed one of his hand over her shoulder and the other on Matteo. "Your son is fully grown." He rubbed their shoulders affectionately then stepped back.

"They grew too fast," she replied glancing at Wayne. He was just the same size as Matteo and they towered over her. "Come in," she guided them all in when they didn't seem to say anything. It had been quite sometime.

They settled in the living as maids streamed in to serve them water and other drinks. They chatted excitedly about their recent achievements and the young men pulled an answer when necessary. Half an hour later, they excused themselves and walked out to the backyard.

It was quiet there as only the flowers seemed to be speaking with their bright petals filling the small place. They stood with their backs to the house staring into the nothingness ahead. Wayne spoke first, "I almost didn't recognize you, man."

Matteo turned to face him, "You look just as you usually did." It was silent then they broke into a small laughter. The two then clasped their hands together in a firm handshake. They took a bench nearby the ice between them broken.

"Weather's fine here," Wayne commented breathing in the calming fresh air unlike the salty one he'd been accustomed to.

"Everything's well, business?" Matteo probed when he relaxed into the seat. Wayne had taken over most of his father's business and over their last letter all seemed to be well.

"All good, you became a knight?" Wayne turned to him. He had briefly mentioned about joining the palace as a knight. It was just after the fatal battle that took away his father. He didn't think that was the greatest choice but then he couldn't argue that on paper.

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