Chapter 39

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April's pov:

"Antonio De Luca leave Damien alone you Bipolar piece of shit!" I yelled trying to tear his hands away from Damien

"Shut it April! Cosa c'è di così difficile nel rimanere calmi e obbedienti eh? Du musstest mich einfach wütend machen, oder? Du kannst es verdammt noch mal nicht ertragen, wenn ich nett bin, richtig? und dann ziehst du so einen Scheiß ab und nennst mich das bipolare Arschloch! I'll kill him so you can be fucking happy huh? Wouldn't that make you happy? Always searching for my attention like the needy little thing you are, but when I kill him because of your selfishness and your neediness don't blame me!"

(what's so hard about just staying quite and obedient huh? you just had to make me angry right? you can't fucking stand it when I'm nice right? and then you pull shit like this and call me the bipolar asshole)

Great I couldn't even understand half the shit he said

But what I understood made me angry

But I have to think rationally

If I stay and argue with him Damien will be long gone by the time I finish

So save Damien then see what's Antonio's fucking problem

"Can you leave the poor guy alone and then we'll talk?" I sighed

The silent treatment was definitely better

But since sitting with Damien made him angry and jealous...does that mean he cares-

Shut it April

"The poor guy touched you, I have given strict orders that if anyone dares to touch you even by accident they'll meet the lord above" he tightens his hand around Damien's neck

He's starting to lose conscious fuck

"Listen big guy I touched him first he just returned the gesture and it was purely to comfort him and he touched me to show his gratitude no feelings involved okay? Now leave him be" Why do I even have to explain myself to him God fuck him fuck him I hate him

"You don't get to touch other men April" he snapped

"From when?! You don't have some weird claim on me Antonio I can touch whoever I want!" I snapped back

I...kinda regret what I just did

He dropped Damien on to the floor and while he was still trying to catch his breath Antonio kicked him towards the door and the poor guy crawled out of the balcony as fast as he could

Antonio turned to me his bluish-greenish eyes looking darker than their normal shade

Might pee my pants from fear save me

But I'm not stepping back so he can cage me between him and the wall no thank you

"You can touch whoever you want huh? You don't know shit piccola ragazza" I audibly gulped at how deadly he sounded

"What-what do you mean?"

"Well you only ever touched four men right April? Me. Derek Anderson. Toby Jackson. And we can't forget our main boy can we? Luke Hail."

Okay...Antonio and his connections but what does that have to do with anything

"Derek Anderson, died a year ago in a car accident, a month after he went on a date with you. He kissed your cheek at the end of the date telling you it was the best date of his life, that the next time he kisses you it'll be on your lips, poor guy didn't know you were using him to try and move on from Luke.
Toby Jackson, died five months ago, he was stabbed to death the killer unknown, two weeks after you met him at a party and fucked him after I took your first kiss and left you, you lost your virginity out of spite April pretty stupid. Dear little Toby wanted to sleep with you again and when you said no he went as far as trying to get into your house to rape you...but he never made it.
Luke Hail, I was busy the last few weeks with him, the guy is a whole another story, The little Luke you've always had a crush on is sick, he drugs girls at clubs and molests them, he finally started noticing you because you were his next target. But I mean...put all what I just said in past tense, little Luke is dead, was buried alive last week. Now mind telling me why every guy you've ever touched is dead? Well A) because you apparently have a thing for physco guys I mean only one guy was normal..stupid but normal and B) Because you belong to me. I'm the only one allowed to touch you. You have the proof that every guy you've ever touched met his ending try touching anyone other than me here too and they'll be dealt with the same way"

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