chapter 11

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Anastasia's POV

I took a deep breath before arching the string of my bow towards me, angling it and making sure it was aligned with the target. My fingers released the string as the arrow hits the little red dot in the center.

I heard applause besides me to see Cordelia smiling.

"That was amazing your highness!" She applauded while I smiled in return.

"I didn't knew you were great in archery!" She chuckled while I walked forward to the target to retrieve my arrow.

"When you're self aware that you're a powerless royal, you'd do anything to protect yourself." I sighed before taking a deep breath once more, pulling my string once again to my chest.

I could see Cordelia's gaze shift to the target, her eyes widened, anticipating my arrow hitting the little red dot once more.

But it didn't.

I switch my arrow quickly to the direction of where the trees were rustling and immediately let the string go.

"Cordelia, are you capable of fetching a nuisance for me in the woods?" I smiled at her, she didn't understand at first but quickly smiled afterwards.

It's annoying to always be watched these days, I don't even know what I had done to be constantly spied on by the empress. Is it because she already knows she can't fool me again with her facade?

The tree's leaves rustled as I watched with shocked eyes to see Cordelia jump from a 30 ft tree holding a man by the collar.

They landed safely while Cordelia only brushed off her skirt and smiled at me. I was taken aback and shocked, but also intrigued.

"Did I do well your highness?" Cordelia's eyes sparked as she smiled widely, I pat her head and nodded.

"What should I do with him though?" Cordelia shift her head to the man she's holding by the collar, "Do you know where the garden of Asmo is?" I grin while she nods.


"Your highness! Did you hear? There was a man found in the garden of Asmo naked!" I almost chuckled when I heard sir John frantically announced.

"My what crude man he is," Cordelia 'frowned' while sir John nodded in agreement. "More tea your highness?" Cordelia smiled and offered me.

"I almost forgot to tell you your highness, the night of Gabriella is starting later, the nobles are all getting ready for the three day event of the royal family." Sir John said.

"The Festival of the commoners is starting in two hours and.." I gazed at sir John curiously as he started to get nervous.

"My family wrote me a letter begging me to spend the Festival with them, I was hoping to ask for your permissio-" I cut him off with a swift of my hand.

"Do what you want to do, it's your family, who am I to stop you spending time with them?" I returned my gaze to my book as I saw for a split second how Sir John's lips began to smile wide.

"Inform the other knights that if they want to spend a day with their families, they can." I said as Sir John nodded and left swiftly.

Cordelia looks at me shocked while I raised a brow.

"Aren't you going to the festival your highness?" Cordelia pouts as I nodded. "Then why would you release all your knights? The emperor won't let you go out without an escort knight!" Cordelia frowned.

"Who said I need one anyway?" I furrowed my brows and held my arms to my chest. "Your highness, I-" Cordelia was cut off by the door suddenly opening.

"The emperor wishes to see the first princess." My eyes gaze to a man who I first confused for a bear. I raised a brow as my head tilted to the side.

"That's the emperor's aide your highness, sir Axlot." Cordelia whispered as my eyes widen. Sir Axlot was an important figure, aided the female lead and was more on the father figure to my sister.

He defeated the great dragon, fought many wars leading the country to become the biggest, fought battles with mages barehanded and EVEN WON.

He was one of my favorite characters as his big fluffy energy reminded me of a grizzly bear, but I don't think he's fond of my character.

I stood up as Cordelia's eyes followed my movement, she looked worried, I instructed her to close the door on my way out.

The knight's steps echoed within my palace, I could hear his dissatisfied growl and snarled at the smallness of it all. He then gazed at me with pity and sighed.

"Your highness has grown a lot." Was all he said before sighing once more. "I'm sorry, but do I know you?" I raised a brow while he was taken aback.

He then laughed loudly, his beard bouncing with his chest.

I thought the building was experiencing an earthquake.

"Your majesty must've forgot, I was your knight when you were just a kid." He smiled while I was confused, sir Axlot wasn't even mentioned in Anastasia's past, more on my memory.

"Ahh, my memories aren't really as distinguishes yours sir." I laughed it off.

"I supposed so, but it is quite saddening to hear about your illness." I saw the knight frowned.


"Anastasia," I heard the empress's cold greeting as she smiled, she pulled me in for a hug that I awkwardly accepted.

"Greetings, your highness." A maid coldly greeted me, her stares were like daggers piercing through me.

"Anastasia please, sit down." The emperor guided me through his office, as I saw the silhouette of the empress disappearing as the door was closing.

I walked to the emperor's desk and sat down on one of his chairs.

"What was it you wanted to talk to me about?" I asked him, he looked wary, almost nervous.

He wrote something on the paper before speaking. "I'm concerned about you staying all day in your palace, Ana." He slid me the paper but kept eye contact. His words didn't match his demeanor.

I opened the paper as my eyes widen. the room is bugged, she's listening.

My heart sank and my head became heavy, as the emperor sweats became more visible.

"Please do get out once in a while, I might see you drop dead suddenly, haha.." He laughed awkwardly, scanning the room with his eyes

I felt wary, I felt nervous.

I felt watched.

I was confused, who is she?

More on, this scene was never in the novel considering we're still in the early phase.

I get that I changed some things here and there but, isn't this like an arc, or a major twist?

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