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Sidharth turned around in his bed thinking about the proposal came for Shehnaaz from Manav's side. There is surprise for them choosing Shehnaaz as she was one of that kind that everyone would love. Even though Lokesh and Janaki hadn't shown any green card or red card to them, the yellow card made him little nervous. 'Will they choose Manav over him?. No! That's never going to happen.' Some how Sidharth convinced himself and tried to sleep, but the phone rang.


" Martin, I am trying for Sidharth from morning, but didn't got any reply. aaj kal tho bina batake kahi jaata bhi nhi hei"

Shehnaaz complained to Martin after trying nth time to call Sidharth. The phone was switched off, the messages remained unseen. The impulse traveler had got out him from the last few months. He used to inform Shehnaaz his every plans. Martin was also in the same state . No clue. He contacted the resident area of Sidharth. One man had seen him going out in the midnight, but that doesn't seem like a travel plan, but he was in hurry.

"Let's wait for two days Sana. Kya pata usmem wo purani bhoot to nhi aaya"

Martin tried to cheer Shehnaaz which did form a curve on her lips.


Everyone in Creators rushed fast here and there to get their works done fast. It was their do or die stage. The company was facing its lowest face ever. Martin was having so many emotions on his face; tension, anger, depression. It was getting out of his hands. While scolding Tanu to correct the values in the file, he turned to side of Sidharth's cabin. Shehnaaz stood infront of it completely emotionless. He slowly walked towards her and gently placed his hands on her shoulder which brought her back to the real world. She turned towads him.

" Is everything ready Martin?"

He nodded in agreement in reponse.

"Good. The Ahuja's will be here any minute. I don't want any mistake there. You make sure that."

Martin sighed and nodded up and down. This site of her had never came in his worst dreams ever. If anyone would have asked him two years ago, whether Shehnaaz can be like this, he would have laughed at them. She was a cute, innocent girl who was supposed to taken care of. But, the time has taught her some really harsh lessons. That's why she is stanging infront of him in a completely formal white shirt and black pants ready to her the Creators, which is now a sinking ship.

The front door of Creators opened widely and entered two men in formal suits. One was a man in his thirties, felt like the secretary of the elder one, The Ahuja. Tanu showed them their way to Shehnaaz's cabin, where Shehnaaz and Martin waited for them.

"Good morning Shehnaaz and Martin"

Greeted Mr. Ahuja as he entered the cabin with a cunning smile. They greeted back in courtesy and offered him seat.

"So  guys, how is your Creators doing?"

He asked placing his hands on his chin. He knew everything, But it was necessary to spread salt on the wound. The was their savior of this sinking ship. Matin smiled and replied to him:

" As far as now, we are trying to pull Creators back into its position. But for that we need your kind cooperation Mr. Ahuja."

" So you guys are willing to sell 30 percent of your share to us. And both your shares will be 10 percentage for Shenaaz and 20 for Martin and the rest 40 belongs to Sidharth, right?"

The secretary of Ahuja spoke looking at the figures which were already in the agreement, just for a formality.

" As Sidharth is not here, we will be the main deciding authority here. Are you guys ok with that?"

Martin and Shehnaaz looked at each other. They were left with no other option. Choosing Ahuja was not an interesting thought, but saving Creators and the employees were their first choice. The mess that was created, the losses that had happen needed to be cleared to get a fresh start for Creators.

" The 'no deadline' policy of Sidharth will no longer be applicable here. People would be investing in Creators only because of Ahuja's, since your backbone is already broken. We would be getting contracts from any where in India and the employees need to get the work done within time, else they will be fired. There are more conditions as shown the contract which you guys have already read. But, check once again and sign it"

Secretary of Ahuja, Mr. Mohan, pushed the file towards the other side. After goining threought the papers Shehnaaz signed it and waited for Martin. The heavy face of Martin mixed with multiple emotions. From the day 'the Creators' started, its glorious past, everything came in front of his mind one  by one. The day, they build their first ever building to the hotels, resorts, houses, villas, apartments, everything was flashing in front of him. Their happy moments, their victories, those leisure talks. 'This shouldn't have happened'. He thought and signed the paper.

Ahuja and his secretary stood up with a victory smile to leave and shook their hands with the Creators head. As leaving the room, Mr. Ahuja turned back towards them.

"I forgot to say something. Payal Ahuja, my daughter would be joining here from tomorrow. She would be leading from our side. Please, get a cabin ready for her."

"Sure sir. That would our pleasure"

Martin joined his hands with Mr. Ahuja desperately hoping this to be last goodbye for the day. But, Mr. Ahuja leaned forward and asked in a curious tone.

" Is there any clue about him?"

He asked looking at Sidharth's cabin.

Martin just nodded no.

" Hasn't it been two years and news about him. What a stupid man he is! Left the only thing he had behind. Let's hope he would turn up someday."

Martin turned towards Shehnaaz as Ahuja left. She was staring at Sidharth's cabin lifeless. Creators wasn't the only thing he had. He had left behind his most precious gift for this life. It was supposed to be the most beautiful love story. The forever one. Martin stood behind her looking at the table of Sidharth.

"He will be back, Shehnaaz. He can leave anything behind, but not you. He will come back for you sure."

Shehnaaz didn't face him. She kept her head down and moved from there. She was hearing this for two years. This didn't made any new emotions for her now. She new this won't happen now. 


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