Chapter Twenty-Nine: Weston | Heartbreak

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I kissed Gracie. In our own bathroom of all places. And it sure as hell wasn't planned. 

The night started off with me watching her like my life depended on it. But even if I wanted to look away, I couldn't. Something about her tonight shone differently. There was an aura following her every move, and I found my gaze trailing her like a moth to a flame. Of course, this had its downsides. Everytime any male came within three feet of her I felt like committing murder. When some jackass was clearly trying to get with her, I had enough and inserted myself into the situation. Little did I know how tonight was going to end up.  

 Us agains the wall. Her body fit into mine like a glove. The intoxicating smell of vanilla and roses. Those plush lips. The curve of her hips. Addicting. All of it. I want more. I need more.

I'm such a fucking idiot. All this time spent fighting her could have been spent earning her trust. Now all those nights I spent fucking random girls have come to bite me in the ass, because the only girl that actually matters right now is probably upstairs poking my voodoo doll.

"Hey, I'm sorry, but whatever you think is gonna happen between us, won't."

The girl who interrupted me and Gracie doesn't hide her disappointment. "Oh. Wait, I'm confused. I thought you wanted me to come over tonight?" She says this as if we were on the same page, when really, we're on an entirely different book.

"When did I say that?" It comes out harsher than intended. 

"Um, when we hooked up last month? Remember? I asked when I could see you again, and you said at Halloween."

I clench my jaw. A month ago. Right around the time Gracie just moved in, when I was still going around, sleeping blindly with whoever. Fuck. It does sound like something I would've offered in the past. But I'd take it all back now if I could. "I'm sorry, Stella. But I'm currently with someone."

"Oh. Was it that girl you were in here with?"

"Yeah." I rub my temple, suspecting an impeding migraine. "Have fun at this party alright? But I can't do this right now. I need to go find her."

I start to maneuver past Stella, until a stampede of guilt slams into my chest and I turn around once more. "Listen- I'm sorry for leading you on. You deserve better than that. I regret my past actions a lot, and I wanna let you know that any guy at this party would kill to be with you." The annoyance on her face crosses into confusion, and then, slowly, acceptance. Either acceptance for the fact that she agrees, I've been a massive douche bag, or accepting that she can do better than me. But I don't stay long enough to find out.

I head into the main room where a bunch of drunken twenty somethings are partying like there's no tomorrow. A flood of pirate, police and nurse costumes are in the mix, but the green fairy I'm searching for is nowhere in sight. My vision homes in on a 6"3 Marty McFly and I grab him by the shoulder. "Eli! Where's Gracie? Have you seen her?"

Eli seems annoyed to see me. "Well, hello to you too. And yeah, I have seen her." His scowl directed at me amplifies. "What did you say to her man? She practically ran upstairs in tears."

My heart breaks a little at the thought of Gracie crying. Because of me, of all things too. "Gracie's crying?" I run a hand through my hair. Guilt, shame and frustration roll into me at once. "Shit. Is she in her room?" I narrow my eyes at the stairs.

"Yeah. Look, I think it's best if you just left her alone for now."

I sigh. "Did she at least mention me?"

"No. She didn't really need to, though."

"I'm gonna go talk to her."

Eli rolls his eyes. "Nice to know you value my advice, West."

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