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A few days later

I opened my eyes slowly, the sound of intense typing pulling at my conscious to wake up. The first sight which I was greeted by after sitting up was of Severus. The furrow between his brows drawing my attention as I struggled between getting out of bed to remove it or sit back and frown at it till it went away.

Severus was quick to notice me assessing him with my eyes and put his laptop aside to walk over to me. It had become a routine now, after our actions of the previous night. I became even more sluggish when it came to getting out of the bed and Severus took it upon himself every day to help me out and freshen me up.

"Come on Love, I've prepared the bath."

I shook my head slowly and frowned.

"I don't wanna move."

His brows drew together in worry as I snuggled closer to the blanket, knowing the question that he was going to throw at me.

"Does it hurt?"

I looked to him and shook my head again as he approached his side of the bed. I had pulled his pillow to cover up the space where he had laid. That way it still felt as though he was laying beside me.

He reached out and gently tugged the pillow out of my hands as I tried to battle with him and keep it cuddled up against my chest. He chuckled as he succeeded and I replaced the pillow with half of the blanket. Burying my face into it and then yanking it back as it grew red when I recognized the scent.

It smelt of our actions from the previous night. Severus continued trying to pull the blankets out of my hands, being very patient and calm along the way. I struggled to keep a tight hold even while he was being playful and whined when he succeeded again.

"Come on love."


I grumbled and pushed his hand away, burying my face into my pillow as Severus tried to talk me out of the bed.


He sighed in exasperation as I groaned. He moved closer and sat on the bed trying to separate me from my fluffy pillow. His hands rested on my waist as he breathed down my ear, making several shivers run down my spine. He tried a few more times but when he noticed my determination to continue wasting my day, he sighed and laid down on his place.

I turned towards him and gave him a childishly victorious grin as he smiled in return and removed a few strands of hair from my face. I cuddled into his chest, the blanket wrapping around my chest and lower half which were completely bare.

"Are you planning on getting up anytime soon love?"

I shook my head again and pouted as he chuckled, burying his head into my hair. We laid in silence, my fingers hooked against the buttons of his shirt as his hands played with my hair.

"What have you planned for today?"

I questioned as he twirled a curly strand between his fingers. I had to repeat my question to snap him out of his daze. He hummed in thought before successfully shifting his attention completely.

"I've found someone to teach you."

I stilled at his words and slowly peeked up at him curiously. Was he really going to leave me alone with a stranger? Understanding my look, he chuckled.

"Its someone I trust and believe to be good enough."

I nodded slowly, intrigued to meet whoever it was. It was enough temptation to make me scramble out of bed, Severus's shirt wrapped around me as I made my way to the washroom for a bath. This time it seemed as though Severus didn't want to get out as he tried to reach for me to keep me there. I quickly shuffled out of his reach and walked to the washroom with a goofy smile as he cursed under his breath.

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