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I hardly slept at all last night. Turns out that Leonard was a snorer, and a loud one at that. Loud enough that I almost smothered myself with my pillow to put me out of my misery.

Thankfully there was caffeine, otherwise I would have rethought death by suffocation. It was nearing six in the morning, which I admit is a psychotic time to be up and about in the morning, and we were all seated in the dining hall having our breakfast. Porridge was today's choice, which normally I would not mind, but today, my body decided it could only stomach coffee.

When breakfast was done and dusted, we readied ourselves to go on a hike up the nearest mountain, which in my opinion was hardly that much of a mountain. It was more of a massive hill, but it was still strenuous in effort.

"I should have just stayed home." I complained through exhausted pants.

"Whoever decided that we should go hiking first thing after breakfast has a special place in hell." Hannah says, taking a large gulp from her water bottle.

I nodded in agreement.

After we reached the mountain/large hill's apex, we headed back down after a twenty minute break. The descent was far easier, but my feet were already beginning to ache.

The next thing on today's agenda was a kayak race to the other side of the lake. Due to my weak arm strength, I was no help in racing across a lake via kayak, but I did my best to contribute, especially since we were neck and neck with Grayson and Mitchell's kayak, and I wanted nothing more to beat them. And with Brock in our kayak, we actually ended up winning.

"In your faces!" I cheered.

"Calm down little Cooper, you only won because you had Brock on your team." Grayson says.

"Yeah, without him you would've lost." Mitchell chimed in.

I laughed. "But we didn't lose, so eat shit."

"Dallas Cooper, watch your language." Warned Mister Whelan with his arms crossed in an authoritative manner.

I rolled my eyes while both Mitchell and Grayson laughed at me.

I opted out of the rest of the camping activities that were in store for today. Instead, I stood on the sidelines and listened to music on my phone. I found it to be far more interesting than capture the flag.

After dinner that night, we were all seated around a campfire making s'mores and telling boring stories. Just now, Olive was in the middle of telling the story about how her cat that looks like Garfield once ate one of her AirPods. I bit into my s'more and tried my best to listen to Olive's story.

"I had to take him to the vet to make sure that he wouldn't die." Olive says.

"I once went to the vet..." Hannah says. "But it was to put a cat down after my mom accidentally ran it over."

I spat my s'more out as I stifled a laugh. I know it's a depressing thing to find humor in, but I couldn't help it.

"Oh my god." Olive cried.

"Damn, Hannah, that shit was deep." Phillip stated.

"I know right." Hannah says with slight amusement. That's what I would call sociopathic behavior.

As I began making another s'more, Leonard decided to tell a story about his own experience to the veterinary. Something about his pet hamster getting caught in a wire? I am all for the health and safety of pet animals, but hearing about them was making me sleepy.

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