16. One of you

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Song: Diamonds by Duomo

Song: Diamonds by Duomo

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The annual Hearts and Flowers ball of the Bridgertons is only one day away and all guests seem to be arriving in their own carriages at this very moment.

I stand next to Colin and Benedict who both attentively watch the Featheringtons greet the Duchess, her mother and the viscountess.

"Brother, has there been any progress yet with the Featherington girl?" Benedict asks quietly with a cheeky grin.

I have nearly forgotten the fact that the third-born Bridgerton is adorably smitten with Penelope. Might today finally be the day their relationship advances?

"We danced previously, but other than that, unfortunately no." Colin responds slightly disappointed.

My, they do move slowly.

"Well when are you planning on doing something about it? I am certain it won't be long until some other gentleman will court her."

"I could ask you the same thing." Colin responds, causing Benedict to fall silent.

I immediately pretend not to have heard what was said and bring my focus back to the arriving guests.

It is probably the fact that Benedict has not yet proposed to me that is suspicious here. I would not be surprised if his family has questioned him why he still has not asked for my hand in marriage.

"Miss Griffiths, Mr. Bridgerton, Mr. Colin Bridgerton." Lady Featherington greets with her two unbetrothed daughters.

"Lady Featherington." We all greet.

Despite enjoying Penelope Featherington's presence, I have to admit that I absolutely despise her mother and her sister Prudence entirely. Primarily due to how this family was one of many to look down upon me when Lady Danbury took me under her wing.

Also, something about them makes me rather uncomfortable for unknown reasons.

As the Featheringtons walk past us, Colin follows Penelope with only his eyes.

"Perhaps, Mr. Bridgerton, you should offer Miss Penelope a drink. She seemed rather parched when she arrived." I unsubtly suggest.

Benedict grins while nodding in agreement. "A splendid idea, Miss Griffiths. It is a hot day we are having after all." He adds.

With hesitation, Colin takes a quick glance at the young woman who has already started a conversation with another gentleman, infuriating the third-born Bridgerton even more.

Am I a bad person for slightly enjoying the displeasure Colin Bridgerton seems to be displaying?

Why, yes, I probably am.

Love is a choice (Benedict Bridgerton)Where stories live. Discover now