Chapter 41 The First Night Walker

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When Martha sat again next to her the latter started to explain what was happening in Maricella's life after being abducted.
" It was an old story my grandmother told me when I was young, a story about a mighty mortal who got a hold of the book of knowledge. This book of knowledge is the work of Adam and Eve. After being thrown away from the garden of Eden for eating the forbidden fruit, they possess knowledge no one else has. For they not to forget everything, they've written all their knowledge in that book. There were rumors before that if you possess the book of knowledge, you will gain immortality, so this man studied the book and after he learned the secrets he summoned nine of his friends to tag along with him. Sacrificing the life of ten virgin women, they become the first human nightwalkers. They spread this immortality, and so we are here mingling with humans alive but will never die. But there's a fault in that ritual because not like us who can walk in the broad daylight without burning or turning into ashes. The first nightwalkers can't see the sunlight or walk in the daytime. Though he possessed that book of knowledge, it was never written in that book how to walk in the daylight without dying. He spends hundreds of years searching for an answer. He summons all of the old witches and those other immortals who possess the ability to predict the future. One of the precise oracles is my grandmother. She predicted that there would be a hybrid kind of us that can cure him. A hybrid who will give him full immortality and can help him walk again in broad daylight." Martha took a deep breath before continuing her story.

" If I am not wrong, I think that vampire are you, Maricella. I don't know if you're the real cure, but now we are captured by them. They detained us in this place for about a week. They didn't even provide us with food or water. I don't know what will happen to us" Martha looks so desperate and she feels sorry that she accidentally hurt her. Maricella's muddled head is still confused, and the thoughts that Martha is with them her protective instinct stimulate. But now that she somehow gains her sanity back she guesses It was best to move carefully around the oracle. Her strand of thought was interrupted when Martha started talking again.
"Maricella there's something you need to know aside from gaining new power from our creator there's another one that you may not like to hear but it's needed to be addressed. Look at me." Puzzled, she stared at Martha with curiosity gazed.
" I might look weak, but that's not because I lack food but because you have been sleeping for a week, and I've been feeding you with my blood" What Martha said made her mouth fall open from surprise and disbelief. Her trembling hand quickly touched her teeth to examine if there was a sharp fang and she felt it. Martha is not joking, she was right!
Now she's finally a pure breed vampire that has to sustain blood to survive. She can't help the churning feeling coming in the pit of her core when she realized that she's a bloodsucker too! For her, everything is way too much to understand and take in.
Being unbounded.
Being abducted. And now becoming a pure breed vampire?! She wanted to scream, she wishes everything was a dream, and she was losing her faith. It's like she's a time bomb that will blow out in proportion.
" No! It can't be?! All of this is just a fucking nightmare! Martha, please tell me this isn't true?! I can't accept it. All of this is unreal! That guy. He's the one to be blamed! Why me?! How can he do this ?!
First, he hurt my loved ones and forced his mark on me. Then he un-bond me with my real mate! He's not yet even satisfied. Now he made me a fully-fledged vampire-sucking blood!" In her midst of hysteria, she remembered her unborn child.
" Wait?! How about my baby?! I need  to know if these changes in my body won't affect my baby, Martha, tell me?!" Her panicked voice and overwhelming concern are written all over her face. Her child is the only thing that is still connecting her to Dalton. She can't bear losing it too! If this tragic thing happens it's fruitless to live, she would rather choose to die. Her strands of thought were interrupted when she felt Martha's hand on her shoulder. She looks sad to her.
" I'm sorry Maricella, I don't know anything, not a prediction nor a hint of what will happen to us. But please don't lose hope there's a high possibility that soon you can have a chance to speak with Lord Theo. Maybe we can know more " Our talk was interrupted when we heard a churning sound of a key inside the keyhole. Then a creaking sound of the door came after. One glance and she remembered the woman that accompanied what Martha addressed as Lord Theo in the cathedral. Her face looks stoic standing proudly at the door.
" Lord Theo wants to see you." Her face is void of emotion as she speaks and locks her gaze with her. Maricella's heart starts to beat faster, She felt scared knowing she was about to see the nightmare of her life again. Her last experience with him is still hunting her. It didn't end well and the thought of what he was capable of, made her hair rise, and a cold chill started to creep from the end of her toe up to her scalp!

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