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In place of the orange and yellow are shades of grey

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In place of the orange and yellow are shades of grey. The term grey is used for those who find themselves in between a lack of and presence of attraction (greysexual, greyromantic). They also come in multiple shades to represent community and diversity.


Amid, aymid, or acromid is an identity that describes someone that is on the aromantic spectrum and asexual spectrum, while still not being strictly aromantic or asexual. Someone who is fralloromantic and akoisexual (in a pansexual and panromantic way), for example, identifies as amid.

The term can also be combined with any other orientation along with being used as a sole identity; In case one identifies with another term alongside amid, they do not need to have the same allosexual or alloromantic orientation to be amid. For example, the same individual above could call themselves a pan and panro amid.

Amid individuals can feel any type of tertiary attraction, as long as it does not relate to being completely aromantic or asexual.

Is counted in both the asexual awareness week and the aromantic awareness week.

Is counted in both the asexual awareness week and the aromantic awareness week

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Art by @HeliatroCipher

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