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To be honest, Yao Bianliang did not have a detailed idea about the plot of Shan Hai Jing.

If possible, she actually hoped that the plot of this movie would not be complicated, and it would be best if there were no highlights in the plot.

Why is it difficult to adapt "Shan Hai Jing"? Isn't it because the myths lack a clear main line, and the content of the book is more like a geography work.

Then, it would be great if she would just shoot this geography work!

She took pictures of the mountains, rivers, and strange beasts written in the book.

As for the plot... Anyway, there are very few plots in Shan Hai Jing, so it should be more reasonable not to design too many plots in the movie, right?

It's better to make this movie as boring as a documentary, so that people can easily fall asleep watching it, then Yao Bianliang's goal has been perfectly achieved!

The system hesitated for a moment, and couldn't help but said: "But host, don't forget, the plot of your last movie was also very simple, but...it became popular in the end."

Of course Yao Bianliang knew this.

"Don't worry about the system, I'm not shooting a song and dance movie this time."

The last movie "Sigh of a Floating Life", the plot is indeed very simple, and the love story is nothing new.

The reason why it became popular is mainly because the songs are so well written. If it weren't for the beautiful soundtrack, the artistic value of that movie would have been cut in half.

But nowadays, movies about Shan Hai Jing are completely different from "Floating Life Sigh".

It is not a song and dance movie, and it is impossible to use the Divine Comedy to drive its own box office.

Although exotic beasts are good, their total investment is only one billion. The whole picture of Shan Hai Jing is so vast, let alone one billion, even if one billion is added, it may not be able to produce good results.

Coupled with the simple and boring plot, the lack of publicity for the film, and the superposition of various factors, it is difficult for this film to get a high box office!

"Forget it, I want to see what the screenwriter has written."

Yao Bianliang opened the folder sent by Assistant Chen.

According to the preliminary screening in the early stage, they found three more suitable screenwriters. This time, the content sent by the screenwriters was only the outline and the beginning of the main text, which was regarded as a trial draft.

If you pass the trial draft, of course you can continue to cooperate.

Yao Bianliang glanced over the file directory, and three topics were neatly arranged—

"Mountain and Sea Journey"

"Legend of Gluttony"

"Jiuzhou Mountains and Seas"

Yao Bianliang was not particularly satisfied with the first two questions, but her eyes lit up slightly when she saw the last question.

Good name.

At first glance, this topic seems to be a documentary geography production. Except for a few people who are interested in this topic, most people should have no desire to read it.

Isn't this the work she wanted?

However, Yao Bianliang did not make a hasty decision just based on the topic, but clicked on the three scripts one by one to read.

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