Chapter Nineteen

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Aurora must have dozed off and taken a nap without even realising it because when she awoke from her lassitude state, she felt the van jerking to a halt and the sound of Ryder screaming at her to wake up.

In the blink of an eye, he bolted over to her side of the door and ordered Sebastian to stay put and not move until he told him to.

Within seconds, he was hovering over her now, demanding her to get out of the van.

Before she could acknowledge what he was saying to her and do as she was told, he stopped her by hoisting her up off the seat and pulled her into his arms.

"Don't move!" he roared, gripping her waist, so she didn't lose her balance and fall over.

She looked at Ryder in stupefaction, startled by his arms caging around her so unexpectedly, and tried to pull away from him, but that made him only want to hold onto her tighter.

"I told you not to move, didn't I?" he berated, through clenched teeth, his steel grip on her becoming tighter, the longer he held on, refusing to relinquish her. " Just stay still would ya, 'cause I ain't gonna let you go, no matter how much you protest."

Aurora's eyes widened, shocked and unsure of what to make out of all this. She knew he was still pissed with her after what happened back in the living room, but for some reason, he had been acting stranger than usual right now and it was beginning to freak her the hell out.

"Ryder, what's going on?" she murmured, unable to grow complacent in his arms until he gave her an answer."Why won't you let me go?"

He placed his finger on her lips to silence her.

"Close your eyes, please, and no peekin'," he requested, the corners of his mouth curving into a devious smirk, she found most unsettling."I'll be watchin' you, so don't even think about openin' 'em. You hear me?"

Aurora looked at him as if he were out of his mind.

"W-what, why?"

"Just do it, please."

In silent acquiescence, Aurora shut her eyes, when Ryder took ahold of her hand. She felt herself being led down a long narrow path out in the woods, his pace cognizant and careful with each step he took with her, which told her he was familiar with his surroundings and knew his way around the area well.

"Are you going to tell me where in the world you're taking me?" she asked him timidly as he continued to lead the way, wanting nothing more than to open her eyes and see where it was they were going." We have been walking for ages, so I think you could at least tell me where it is we are going."

"If I told you, then it would ruin the surprise, now wouldn't it?" was all he said back to her, driving her anxiety through the roof, with his disinclination to tell her what was going on. " We're, almost there, so relax would you."

They spent the next few minutes just walking through the woods hand in hand, Ryder adamantly coaxing her to pick up the pace and hurry up.

After several minutes of what felt like an eternity trailing through the woods, hearing the sound of crushed rocks and branches beneath their feet, Aurora stopped to catch her breath. She absorbed the deafening stillness, ringing in her ears, where all she could hear was nothing but her breathing now.

Before she could predict what Ryder's next move was going to be, he released his hand from hers.

But he didn't let her out of his sight long. She sensed him behind her now; his hands hooking around her waistline, pulling her into a firm, hug, she was unable to break out of, and kissed her on the nape of her neck, as he spun her around like a top.

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