Ch. 2 - What Do You Call A Dull Ghost? Boo-ring!

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(A/N: Shiyu is currently 47 years old and is only childish because over the 25 years she was a ghost she started to talk to herself and mess with people so basically it brought out her childish side, whenever I talk to myself or am alone in the house I usually become a bit childish myself. Also picture above is Shiyu poking Shigaraki, I didn't draw it I just edited some photos I found online.)





([RECAP] Shiyu was insulting Shigaraki when all of a sudden he jumped which caused the couch he was sitting on to fall over and he hit his head on the wooden floor and he passed out. Shiyu was confused.)

    "What the fuck..?" Shiyu mumbled after watching Shigaraki pass out. She floated over to Kurogiri and waved frantically to see if he could see her but there was no reaction.

    Kurogiri teleported Shigaraki into his room, he pushed the couch up the right way before going back to clean a wine glass.


    "Helloooooo! Can you hear me? See me? Wake up!" Shiyu questioned whilst 'jumping' up and down on his bed "I am a lonely soul who has had enough of peace and quiet and wishes for friends!" She dramatically posed.

    Shigaraki fluttered his eyes a few times before jolting to an upright sitting position. "Who are you!?" He interrogated "How did you get here?" He attempted to grab Shiyu by the neck but fell straight through and onto the floor.

    "Rude." Shiyu stated before exclaiming "Oh my god, you can see me!? This is the happiest day of my life! Oh. I'm dead so maybe not in my life.... Afterlife? This is the happiest day of my afterlife! Yup, that sounds right!"

    "Who are you?" Shigaraki repeated, getting sick of her giggling.

    "My names Shiyu!" She beamed "Don't bother telling Smokey about me, for some reason he can't see me but you can."

"Why are you here?"

"Well I can't leave so I don't really have an option!" Shiyu grinned, happy to be speaking to someone other than herself for once.

"What is your quirk?" He gestured to my body.

"Quirk? I was born quirkless but now I'm not sure... if you mean why do I look like this then the answer to that is that I died! Yup!" She patted the bloody spot on her clothes "Impaled with an iron rod right here! Was not pretty! If you're worried I might attack you then think again! I can't touch you and why would I try to kill someone that I can speak to?"

Shigaraki seemed to relax a bit from her words "How long have you been a ghost for?"

"25 years and 1 day! Yesterday would've been exactly 25 years!" She chattered "What's your name? Well, I know your name 'cause I heard others saying it but I want a proper introduction!"

"Shigaraki Tomura."

"Can we be friends? I've gotten really lonely and bored and I'll do anything for entertainment."

Shigaraki, intrigued by the ghost agreed. "Great! But can you do one little favour for me Tomura?" Shigaraki raised a brow "I want a radio! Put it in any room as long as it's in this bar and never turn it off, then whenever everyone's sleeping I can just listen to it!"

"Shouldn't be too problematic. Don't annoy me afterwards though or I'll kill you."

"Man, sometimes I wish you could." She 'pat' his shoulder before floating downwards into the bar and attempting to leave through the door for the nth time.


"Oh my god!" Shiyu squealed "You really got me a radio! I would hug you right now if I could!"

Light blush tinted Shigaraki's cheeks, covered by his father's hand. "Shut up, now leave me alone." She pouted. He went downstairs to where Kurogiri was waiting with a portal ready.

    "Where you goin'?" She was ignored "Hey, hey, where are you going? Don't leave me here alone."

"I'll be back soon." He muttered under his breath so that only she could've heard it.

"If you don't come back I'll haunt you~ bye!"


A thud was heard from downstairs so Shiyu floated down immediately only to see a bleeding Shigaraki laying on the floor with multiple bullet wounds. Shiyu panicked and comical tears shot from her eyes at an intense speed.

"Wahhhh! Tomura don't die on me! If you go to hell or heaven or whatever I won't be able to come with you!"

"I was shot. Both arms and both legs..."

"Who're you talking to?"

"We got crushed... He got Nomu too. Our cannon fodder was taken down in a flash... Even those kids were strong... The symbol of peace is in perfect health..! You were wrong, master..."

"No, I wasn't." All For One replied. You realised he was talking to All For One so you tuned out the conversation.

Once their conversation ended you followed Shigaraki upstairs and hovered above him as he treated himself.

"What happened?" You asked, a bit shocked on how he was barely reacting from the pain of the bullet wounds.

"None of your business." He huffed, to which you pouted to.

"Fine, I won't pry further. But can you turn the news on downstairs? I wanna see some action!" You then got into a fighting stance and punched the air a few times.

"Listen to the goddamn radio I got you."

"How about chess? It might improve your brains and it's been so long since I last played."

After a bit of persuading, Shigaraki reluctantly agreed and got out a very dusty chess set.

"Wait before we start I wanna try to see if I can move a piece." Shiyu concentrated all her strength into her finger and 'pushed' one of the pawns, her finger went straight through. "Argh! Damnit! You're gonna have to move it for me."

They played a few games, with Shiyu winning all but one which she let him win.

    "That was fun! If you ever play some sort of game with Smokey or someone else I can help you cheat! I'll do almost anything to relieve my boredom!"

    Shigaraki packed up the game and laid on his bed to get some shut eye, leaving Shiyu by herself. Shiyu floated over to where the radio was and sat in front of it, listening to the news and the songs that it would play.




(A/N: I've got no idea what title I should give this book 😥. Also any ideas are welcome!)

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