Chapter 4

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His Kind of Boss
Chapter 4


Embarrassed. Oliver was embarrassed because not only did he kiss Tristan, but he invited him into the house too. The man didn't even come in.

So he's not embarrassed that he kissed him. He's embarrassed because the man turned him down.

Well, that's not true. He's embarrassed from all of it.

So he just sat at his desk and tried to ignore his boss. As soon as he heard the elevator open he picked phone up and acting like he was helping someone.

He wanted no interaction even though he was mad. He's had was completely turn so he didn't see who was coming up the elevator.

"Baby." He heard. He jumped because he didn't know someone was next to him.

He turned around and saw Tristan standing there with smile.

"I got this for you. I hope you enjoy it." He said placing it on his desk. Tristan walked off to his office. Of course he left his door open so he can see his baby.

Oliver rolled his eyes.

He grabbed the bag and looked inside. He was shocked.

He actually listened. After they went to restaurant they got some drinks at the bar and Oliver swears he told the man everything he likes and dislikes.

He told him he loves bagels and here is one with cream cheese.


"Hi this Alexander Incorporated Oliver speaking."

"Come to my office Oliver." Tristan spoke. Oliver turn to look in his boss office and saw him staring at him.

He really hated this man.

He slammed phone down and walked into his boss office.

"Yes, Mr. Alexander." Oliver looked everywhere but at Tristan. He grabbed the boy hand to make him stand close to his desk.

"Ollie, baby. What's wrong? Why you calling me Mr. Alexander." Oliver really hated this blushing thing. Every time he turn around.

"Nothing." He whispered. Tristan signed and stood up. He brought Oliver closer to him.

"Tell me what's wrong."

Oliver moved out of Tristan hold.

"You listen here Tristan!" He yelled. "We had amazing date. You treated me very well. I even kissed you, but you dickhead! You didn't even come in when I asked you to. What kind of mess up that?! You don't want me! And then you didn't even kissed me this morning!" He yelled while pointing his fingers at his chest. Hard chest.

Now is not the time to think about how hard his chest is Oliver!

Once realization he grabbed Oliver because the boy was about to walk out of his office. He event try to get out of his hold but once he realized he couldn't move because the arms Tristan place around his waist he just crossed his arms and pouted.

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