CH. SIX _ [Rowan]

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When Monday came, I was still perplexed.

I don't like the way you look at me.

I mean, I stared at her quite a bit, but it was mostly when she wasn't looking. And even when she was, I was never disrespectful.

Did she expect me to just completely ignore her beauty?

"Come on! You're still less than halfway through."

I jolted out of my thoughts, having briefly forgotten the pain that was radiating out my knee and to rest of my body.

Bonnie curtly clapped her hands to urge me onward. My grip on the iron bars on either side of me becoming tiresome.

"No one else will use that leg but you, Ms. Ravenhood. Take that next step right now," she ordered in her strong Australian accent.

"You try feeling this pain, Hitler," I said, looking her in her beady black eyes.

"Being smart with me won't get you running on that field again." She took hold of the crutches that stood against the end of one of the bars. "I'm taking these for a few minutes. In the meantime, I think you'll feel more inclined to use that knee."

And just like that, the crazy woman left me alone in the gym, with only the sound of my exerted breath filling the room.

I remained staring at the door, dumbfounded. "What the actual fuck?"

The desire to simply hop out of the place was strong, but then I knew it wouldn't do me any good. I seriously needed to get back on the field as soon as possible.

I took a step forward, cursing when my knee protested violently against the weight. It took me a couple of minutes before I took the next excruciating step forward.

I just about gave up when I heard the door open.

"Gee, you truly are one of the best in the countr-"

Stunning eyes the color of honey met mine. Punch-spilling Maid.

"Oh I'm sorry, I can come back and clean when you're done." She started to leave with her cart of cleaning supplies.

"Please, don't let me hinder you. You can just work around me. I promise you that my eyes will go nowhere near you." With the words, I tore my gaze away from her and focused it down to the rubber flooring.

From my peripheral vision, I saw her tentatively re-enter and close the door behind her.

With new incentive to move forward, I took my next step. "Shit," I said under my breath, not giving myself a moment more before trying another. "Goddamnit!"

Exhausted and outright done with it all, I shut my eyes and dropped my head to my hand. The pain was a bitch.

"If you lean all your weight onto your right hand and step forward with the injured leg, heel first, it won't hurt as bad."

When I straightened, my eyes involuntarily went up that stark white uniform until they landed on that soul-pleasing face, concern etched into it.

She beckoned me forward with her fingers. "Wanna try it?"

Without a word, I followed her exact instructions carefully. And to my shock, no miserable pain! Just a throbbing discomfort.

I grinned at her. "Woah!"

She bit her lip against a small smile, choosing to keep her eyes on my shoulders. "Good job. You wanna try a few more steps?"

With incredible focus, her advice went a long way and I was at the end of the bars in no time.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2023 ⏰

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